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Green Dragon (Green Dra-Gn)

Green Dragons, abundant in number within Ellismeda alongside their counterparts, the Red Dragons, are known for their prolific presence across the Crean Isles. Despite being among the smaller dragon breeds, surpassing only the Wyverns and Bone Dragons in size, their breath weapon unleashes a potent toxic acid causing considerable harm to adversaries. While lacking sentience like other Lesser Dragons, their tactical instincts and alliance with New Arium during the Dark War showcased their strategic acumen. Notably, during the conflict, they temporarily relocated to Caena, demonstrating their adaptability and willingness to aid allies. These creatures find their homes in colossal cliffs, using these formations as lairs while contributing to the ecological balance of their territories.

Basic Information


Green Dragons, while smaller in size compared to some counterparts, boast robust, agile bodies with scaled emerald-green hides providing excellent camouflage within forested environments. Their bodies are streamlined, facilitating swift aerial movements. Their sharp claws and powerful jaws aid in hunting and defense. They possess membranous wings, enabling impressive flight capabilities.

Growth Rate & Stages

Green Dragons exhibit rapid growth rates, reaching adulthood within a few decades. Their life stages include hatchling, juvenile, subadult, and adult. Young dragons gradually develop their acid breath weapon, which becomes more potent as they mature. Throughout their lives, they experience shedding of scales and growth spurts, with adult size attained after about a century.

Ecology and Habitats

Thriving in wooded regions, Green Dragons prefer lush forests with ample cover for nesting and hunting. They establish lairs within caverns or giant cliffs, strategically positioned to overlook their territory. Interacting with their habitat, they contribute to ecological balance by controlling prey populations and maintaining forest health.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily carnivorous, Green Dragons hunt large prey such as deer, boars, and occasionally smaller creatures. They use ambush tactics, relying on stealth and their acid breath for efficient kills. These dragons are opportunistic feeders, scavenging and storing excess prey in hidden caches within their lairs.

Biological Cycle

Green Dragons undergo seasonal shifts, adapting behaviors to changing environments. While not hibernating, they might become less active during colder months, conserving energy and seeking shelter. Shedding and regrowth of scales occur periodically. They have adaptable biological mechanisms to withstand climatic fluctuations.


Within their species, Green Dragons display hierarchical social structures, showcasing dominance through displays of strength and intimidation. They exhibit territorial behaviors, fiercely defending their domains from intruders. Despite their predatory nature, they maintain a level of intelligence, employing strategic hunting methods. They perceive threats cautiously, reacting aggressively to predators while avoiding confrontations with more powerful adversaries.
Scientific Name
Viridodracon sylvaticus
300 - 500 Years
Average Height
15ft - 20ft
Geographic Distribution

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