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Hell Hound (Hel Hownd)

Hell hounds, denizens of Anteos, boast a distinctive appearance with sleek, furless bodies covered in black, coal-like skin. Slightly larger than ordinary wolves, their infernal red eyes pierce through the darkness, embodying their demonic essence. Serving as the embodiment of the animalistic force within Anteos, these creatures play dual roles in the Anteosan society. The larger hell hounds, with their formidable stature, become integral components of the Anteosan military, forming aggressive lines of attack on the battlefield. In contrast, smaller hell hounds find themselves as domestic companions, serving as loyal pets within Anteosan households. This duality in their utility showcases the adaptability of hell hounds within the fiery landscape of Anteos.

Basic Information


Hell hounds, with their ominous presence, possess a unique anatomy distinguished by sleek, furless bodies that showcase a skin resembling blackened coal. Their slightly larger stature compared to ordinary wolves accentuates their infernal nature, and their striking red eyes emit an otherworldly glow, contributing to their fearsome appearance.

Growth Rate & Stages

These creatures undergo a swift growth process, maturing rapidly within the first year of their lives. Their life stages encompass playful puppyhood, marked by developing physical prowess, to the formidable adult stage where they assume distinct roles within Anteosan society.

Ecology and Habitats

Thriving amidst the volcanic landscape of Anteos, hell hounds exhibit a preference for habitats rich in fiery activity. They form tight-knit packs, engaging in hierarchical structures that facilitate cooperation in hunting and strategic coordination during military campaigns.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As carnivores, hell hounds play pivotal roles in Anteosan society. Larger members engage in coordinated hunting, utilizing predatory instincts to mount formidable attacks on the battlefield. Smaller hell hounds, serving as domestic pets, rely on their owners for sustenance, forging a unique bond with the inhabitants of Anteos.

Biological Cycle

In tune with their fiery surroundings, hell hounds do not hibernate, instead adapting to the perpetual heat of their volcanic habitat. While their biological cycle remains relatively stable, seasonal changes may influence mating behaviors and pack dynamics, revealing the adaptability of their species.


Rooted in pack-oriented behavior, hell hounds exhibit a sophisticated hierarchy that emphasizes cooperation, loyalty, and a keen understanding of social dynamics. In battle, larger hell hounds showcase their prowess as attackers, while smaller ones exemplify protective instincts and loyalty in domestic settings. The psychology of hell hounds is intricately intertwined with the infernal nature of their habitat, shaping their unique societal roles.
Scientific Name
Infernalis Houndus Hellis
10 - 15 Years
Average Height
3ft - 4ft (Larger), 2ft - 3ft (Smaller)
Geographic Distribution
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