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Hydra (Hai-Druh)

Hydras, colossal and fearsome creatures, dominate the lands of Lisena, with a scant few also found in Ellismeda. These massive lizards, boasting five individual heads and formidable strength, possess an astonishing regenerative ability: when a head is severed, it swiftly regrows as two in its place, amplifying their ferocity in battle. Renowned as the most potent beings in Lisena, they maintain a crucial place in the Lisenian forces, forming pivotal alliances with gnolls and lizardmen. While not true dragons, their kinship to these mighty beings hints at their origin, with a small enclave residing in Ellismeda, though the bulk of their population resides within the expansive Hydra Ponds of Lisena. These creatures are utilized as unparalleled forces, serving as the apex might in Lisenian warfare.

Basic Information


Hydras are colossal reptilian creatures with immense physical stature, characterized by a serpentine body boasting multiple heads, usually five, perched atop sturdy, scaled necks. Each head exhibits distinct personalities and can operate independently, yet collectively contribute to the creature's predatory tactics. Their robust bodies, featuring powerful limbs and resilient scales, allow them formidable mobility and strength in traversing their environments.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hydras undergo rapid growth rates in their early years, maturing considerably within the initial decade. They transition through various life stages, beginning as hatchlings emerging from eggs and steadily growing into juveniles in a few years. This phase witnesses the development of their multiple heads. With each shedding, they enter the adult phase, marking their peak strength and capability to reproduce. Growth slows as they reach maturity, generally occurring around 15 to 20 years, where they achieve their imposing size and maximum number of heads.

Ecology and Habitats

Hydras thrive predominantly in swampy terrains, such as Lisena's vast Hydra Ponds, and sporadically in similar locales like Ellismeda. These ecosystems provide the optimal environment for their existence, offering ample water bodies for habitation and prey, along with dense vegetation for concealment and shelter. They wield significant influence within their habitats, serving as apex predators and actively shaping the local ecosystems through their predatory behaviors.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As carnivorous predators, hydras have voracious appetites, preying upon a diverse array of creatures within their territories. They primarily feed on smaller mammals, reptiles, and occasionally larger creatures that venture into their domain. Hydras utilize their immense strength and regenerative abilities during hunting, often ambushing their prey and overpowering it with sheer force and aggression.

Biological Cycle

Hydras exhibit minimal alterations in their biological processes concerning seasonal changes or cyclical patterns. They do not hibernate, and their durable scales provide adequate insulation against temperature fluctuations. Shedding is a continual process, ensuring the renewal of scales, but is not bound to specific seasons. Their biology remains relatively consistent throughout their lifespan, primarily focused on growth, reproduction, and territorial behavior.


Hydras exhibit a territorial and fiercely protective nature within their species. While generally solitary creatures, they are known to coexist with others of their kind within shared territories, albeit with limited cooperation. They showcase highly aggressive tendencies towards intruders or perceived threats, using their multiple heads and intimidating stature to ward off adversaries.
Scientific Name
Hyracithere Lissena
Several Centuries
Average Height
20ft - 25ft
Geographic Distribution
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