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Lisena (Li-See-Na)

Nestled on the Dragon Isle of Exlis, the swamp-laden nation of Lisena, founded by the enigmatic swamp witch Casmetra, boasts a unique tradition of determining its rulership through a decadal ritual where the victorious in battle ascends to the throne. During the Dark War, the swampy scepter was held by King Lioloth, who navigated the challenges with cunning leadership. Inhabitants, including gnolls, lizardpeople, basilisks, gorgons, wyverns, serpent flies and hydras, find solace in the heavy swamplands, residing near lakes or the coastal margins. Lisena's architectural identity, characterized by the robust and resilient Fortress style, stands as a testament to its ability to endure the treacherous marshy terrain. Mossden, the vibrant capital veiled in green, embodies the heart of Lisena's unity, resilience, and the verdant tapestry of its distinctive culture.


Lisena's unique governance unfolds through a ritualistic election every decade, where candidates vie for the throne through battle prowess, the victorious claiming the mantle of king. The nation places paramount importance on honor and loyalty, with rulers expected to embody these virtues. This system fosters resilience and solidarity in the face of external threats, as showcased during the Dark War. Lisena's commitment to these principles is further evidenced by its hierarchical structure, rooted in the notion that true leadership emerges from the crucible of combat.


The cultural tapestry of Lisena, woven amid the swamps and marshes, is reflected in the resilient Fortress Architecture style. Festivals like the Verdant Vigil celebrate the nation's natural surroundings, where citizens adorn themselves in hues of green, symbolizing their unity with the lush environment. These events underscore Lisena's cultural emphasis on fortitude, unity, and the enduring spirit instilled by the challenging swamp terrain.

Public Agenda

Lisena's public agenda revolves around preserving the honor and loyalty that define the nation. The ritualistic election every decade serves as a testament to the nation's commitment to a leadership forged in the crucible of honor. The focus lies on nurturing a resilient, united citizenry and safeguarding the sacred swamps that shape Lisena's identity. In times of peace, Lisena seeks diplomatic alliances that resonate with its values, while in times of conflict, the nation stands firm in defending its honor, loyalty, and the sanctity of its swamp-laden home.

Demography and Population

Lisena is home to a diverse population of mythical and sentient beings. The inhabitants, ranked in terms of strength, include gnolls, lizardmen, serpent flies, basilisks, gorgons, wyverns, and hydras. These creatures inhabit various ecosystems within the nation, each species contributing to the cultural fabric and societal dynamics of Lisena. The birth and death rates among these species vary, influenced by factors like environmental conditions and predator-prey dynamics. Hydras and gorgons generally exhibit lower birth rates but longer lifespans compared to the other species.


Lisena's territorial boundaries encompass the entirety of Exlis, an island characterized by its unique swampy and marshy landscapes. These lands hold significant cultural and historical significance to the inhabitants. Lisena does not forcefully hold these territories but rather sees them as ancestral lands, nurturing them and safeguarding them from external threats.


Lisena's military forces are a blend of creatures, each contributing distinct abilities to the nation's defense. The military structure includes specialized units tailored to the strengths of different species. Wyverns and hydras might form aerial and amphibious divisions, respectively, while gorgons and basilisks could lead reconnaissance and defense units. This diversity enables adaptive strategies and robust defenses.

Foreign Relations

Lisena, although predominantly isolated due to its islandic location on Exlis, maintains diplomatic relations via maritime trade routes. The nation has amicable ties with Ellismeda, fostering cultural exchanges and peaceful interactions. However, due to their shared water borders, Lisena has experienced occasional tensions with neighboring Nentryl and Preton, primarily related to maritime disputes and access to resources.

Agriculture & Industry

Lisena's economy revolves around its unique natural resources and magical flora and fauna. The nation excels in specialized agricultural practices that thrive in the marshy landscapes, focusing on exotic plantations and the cultivation of magical flora. Honey production from indigenous magical plants, extensive husbandry of creatures like serpent flies for specialized silks, and the collection of rare swamp-based minerals and herbs contribute significantly to Lisena's economy. The nation doesn't engage extensively in industrial pursuits but instead harnesses magical and natural resources for their economic sustenance and trade.

"Through Swamps We Forge Our Honour, By Swamps We Pledge Our Loyalty"

Founding Date
44 B.D.W.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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