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Kahr (Kaar)

General Kahr (a.k.a. The Xenophobic Vampire)

Kahr, a formidable and ominous figure, embodies the chilling visage of a pale white vampire with penetrating red eyes and menacingly elongated fangs. His intimidating presence strikes fear into the hearts of many, his appearance a haunting manifestation of his dark powers. Renowned as a powerful necromancer and a general of unparalleled skill, Kahr's feats are etched in the annals of Nentryl's history. He played a pivotal role in the Fall of Nax Fort, a critical turning point in the war, followed by the strategic capture of Mossden and the subsequent imprisonment of Anfal, showcasing his tactical prowess and strategic brilliance. Unwaveringly loyal to Nentryl and the dark aspirations of Abraxas, Kahr's allegiance to the cause remains unshakable. His motivations are steeped in an age-old vendetta against the lizardmen of Lisena, borne from ancient grudges passed down through generations. Generations ago, Kahr's ancestors abandoned the lizardmen in a conflict, leading to a devastating war that decimated their numbers. Now, Kahr seeks vengeance for this historical betrayal, harboring a deep-seated hatred and an insatiable desire to rule over Lisena with an iron fist, fueled by a burning thirst for retribution that transcends time.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kahr's mastery lay in the grim arts of necromancy, a potent and dark magic that allowed him to command legions of undead, manipulate deathly energies, and bend the forces of life and death to his will. This mastery over necromancy bestowed upon him fearsome powers, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kahr's personal history is steeped in a lineage marred by ancestral conflicts and a deep-seated vendetta against the lizardmen of Lisena. Before the Dark War, Kahr's ancestry bore the weight of an ancient betrayal: his forebears abandoned the lizardmen in a time of strife, leading to a brutal war that scarred both sides. This history bred a venomous hatred within Kahr, fueling his thirst for vengeance and domination. During the Dark War, Kahr emerged as a formidable vampire, a potent necromancer, and a fervent supporter of Abraxas and Nentryl's cause. His tactical brilliance and strategic acumen were showcased in pivotal battles, contributing significantly to Nentryl's conquests. However, his life was cut short near the war's end, marking a tragic end to his pursuit of vengeance.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kahr's achievements were as ominous as they were notable. His role in orchestrating the Fall of Nax Fort stood as a turning point in the conflict, destabilizing Arium's stronghold and demonstrating his military prowess. The capture of Mossden and the subsequent imprisonment of Anfal underscored Kahr's strategic brilliance, solidifying his reputation as a fearsome leader and a crucial asset in Nentryl's campaigns.

Morality & Philosophy

Morally complex, Kahr was driven by a singular pursuit of retribution against the lizardmen. His actions were mired in the darkness of vengeance, blinding him to the moral implications of his deeds. His unwavering loyalty to Abraxas and his fervent desire for vengeance clouded any semblance of ethical considerations, leading him down a path of ruthless pursuit of power.

Personality Characteristics


Motivated by an unrelenting desire to exact revenge, Kahr's sole aim was to eliminate Lioloth, ruler of the lizardmen, and usurp their throne with an iron fist. His motivations were rooted in a centuries-old grudge, driving his actions with an unyielding resolve and an insatiable thirst for power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kahr's strengths lay in his exceptional leadership skills and tactical brilliance. A charismatic leader, he commanded loyalty and instilled fear in his followers, proving himself as a shrewd tactician capable of turning the tide of battles in Nentryl's favor.

Vices & Personality flaws

However, Kahr's unwavering loyalty to Abraxas served as both his strength and his Achilles' heel. His blind devotion to the dark lord rendered him susceptible to manipulation, leading him to pursue a path dictated by Abraxas's designs, ultimately contributing to his downfall and tragic demise.
46 B.D.W. 9 A.D.W. 55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by Lioloth during the Battle of the Swamps
Place of Death
Piercing Red
No Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pure White
Aligned Organization

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