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Manticore (Man-Tuh-Kor)

Manticores, formidable inhabitants of Ous, rank among the most powerful creatures in the realm, surpassed only by the Black Dragons. These majestic beings are a fusion of diverse entities, boasting the visage of a human, the body of a lion, wings reminiscent of dragons, and the deadly tail of a scorpion. Their striking appearance holds a distant kinship to the true dragons that reign over Ellismeda. While they maintain a degree of independence, Manticores occasionally form alliances with the nation of Ous, becoming influential allies when they choose to lend their immense strength and prowess to the causes of the underground nation.

Basic Information


Manticores possess a unique blend of traits, sporting a leonine body covered in fur, featuring a lion's hindquarters and musculature. Their most distinctive features include a human-like face, an anomaly amidst their otherwise feline anatomy, and draconic wings protruding from their shoulders. Additionally, they have long, powerful scorpion-like tails tipped with a venomous stinger. They are quadrupedal creatures with robust limbs and powerful claws, reflecting their prowess in hunting and combat.

Growth Rate & Stages

Manticores follow a developmental path wherein their physical growth and maturation span several years. Young Manticores are born small and relatively underdeveloped, resembling miniature versions of adult Manticores. Their growth progresses gradually over time, with notable size and strength increases as they reach adulthood. Throughout their lifespan, they undergo minimal visible changes or distinct life stages.

Ecology and Habitats

Manticores thrive in habitats characterized by expansive cave systems and remote, mountainous regions within Ous. They favor environments that offer natural concealment and strategic vantage points for hunting and territorial defense. Their choice of habitat revolves around secluded areas that provide the necessary resources for nesting and raising their young.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As carnivorous creatures, Manticores primarily subsist on a diet of larger prey species found within Ous. They rely on their powerful jaws, sharp claws, and keen predatory instincts to capture and overpower their quarry. These creatures are known for their strategic hunting tactics, utilizing their agility and strength to secure and safeguard food sources within their territories.

Biological Cycle

The biological rhythms of Manticores in Ous exhibit adaptability to their underground habitat, potentially showcasing nuanced responses to environmental factors such as changes in prey availability or territorial conditions. They may display behavioral patterns linked to seasonal shifts, albeit not as pronounced as species inhabiting more openly visible landscapes.


Manticores exhibit complex social interactions and behaviors within their species. They display strong territorial instincts, defending their nests and domains vehemently. Social hierarchies exist within their groups, often led by dominant individuals or pairs that oversee the collective's activities. Communication occurs through vocalizations and body language, crucial for coordinating activities during hunting endeavors and territorial disputes.
Scientific Name
Leonidraconidae Manticora
60 - 70 Years
Average Height
8ft - 9ft
Geographic Distribution
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