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Rust Dragon (Ruhst Dra-Gn)

Rust Dragons, exclusive to Ellismeda in the Crean Isles, exhibit a striking presence with their dark beige scales and piercing green eyes, crowned by an uncommon formation atop their heads. These formidable beings boast an impressive stature, surpassing the size of even the esteemed Faerie Dragons, embodying an undeniable sense of authority. As Elite Dragons, their unwavering allegiance is devoted solely to Draconna, standing as steadfast protectors within her dominion. Despite being considered the weakest among the Elite Dragons, their potency remains formidable. Their breath weapon, a potent rust flame, is renowned for its dual effects—capable of corroding metals and inflicting a haunting decay upon living beings, a slow erosion that leads to eventual demise. Revered as vigilant guardians, Rust Dragons dutifully patrol the precincts surrounding Draconna's lair, maintaining a vigilant watch against potential threats. Within their monumental Sulfurous Lairs, towering pyramidal structures crowned with ancient grandeur, Rust Dragons nurture their primary sustenance, sulfur. This mineral sustains their unique abilities, particularly fueling their rust breath—a vital aspect of their awe-inspiring prowess within the mystical realms of Ellismeda.

Basic Information


Rust Dragons possess a robust physique, distinguished by their dark beige scales that clothe their massive form. Their eyes, a piercing green, reflect an ancient wisdom, complementing the imposing aura they exude. A notable feature is the unique crown-like formation atop their heads, a rare characteristic among dragons. Their wingspan is expansive, enabling agile flight, while their breath weapon, a formidable rust flame, showcases their inherent power.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rust Dragons experience a slow maturation process that spans centuries, transitioning through distinct life stages. From hatching, they enter the juvenile phase, characterized by rapid growth in size and the gradual manifestation of their rust breath. As juveniles, their wingspan extends, aiding in mastering flight and hunting techniques. Upon reaching adulthood, typically after several decades, they achieve their formidable size and strength, marking the apex of their growth.

Ecology and Habitats

Flourishing in the rugged and mountainous terrains of Ellismeda, Rust Dragons carve their homes within the expansive cliffs and Sulfurous Lairs. These ancient pyramidal structures are their sanctuaries, housing essential sulfur deposits that sustain their breath weapon. They meticulously guard these lairs, ensuring their domain's integrity against any intrusion.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The primary component of their diet revolves around sulfur, crucial for their breath weapon's potency. Rust Dragons meticulously collect and consume this mineral to fuel their devastating rust flame. They occasionally supplement their diet with other minerals found within their habitat, which contributes to their overall sustenance and vitality.

Biological Cycle

Unlike some species affected by seasonal changes, Rust Dragons exhibit remarkable consistency in their biological cycle throughout the year. Their physiology remains relatively stable, exhibiting little variation with the passing of time. They don't undergo pronounced hibernation or shedding, maintaining a consistent presence in their habitat.


As esteemed Elite Dragons, Rust Dragons epitomize loyalty and dedication to Draconna and her dominion. Their behavior is marked by vigilance, especially around their lairs and sulfur deposits, as they vigilantly protect these critical resources. They exhibit a distinct sense of guardianship, fiercely defending their territory against any perceived threats.
Scientific Name
Ferrumdraco Ellismedensis
600 - 900 Years
Average Height
40ft - 50ft
Geographic Distribution
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