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Serpent Fly (Ser-Pent Flai)

Serpent Flies, a unique hybrid of serpents and flies, inhabit Lisena within the Crean Isles. These creatures, adorned with resplendent golden scales and luminescent eyes, constitute the most abundant species across Exlis. Despite their significant numbers, Serpent Flies lack sentience, functioning solely as creatures of instinct. They serve as vital components of the Lisenian military, forming the primary airborne force due to their aerial prowess. Additionally, they often find themselves domesticated as pets by gnolls and lizardmen. These creatures make their homes within specially constructed hives nestled within trees, allowing them to thrive in the lush landscapes of Lisena.

Basic Information


Serpent Flies are an intriguing hybrid, featuring a serpentine body elongated and sinewy, adorned with shimmering golden scales. Their heads resemble a blend of a serpent and a fly, equipped with compound, glistening golden eyes and a set of iridescent wings reminiscent of a fly's. Their elongated proboscis is used for feeding, adapted for sipping nectar from flowers and extracting other small insects.

Growth Rate & Stages

Serpent Flies undergo rapid stages of development, beginning as small larvae emerging from eggs, swiftly progressing through successive molts. As they mature, their bodies lengthen, and their scales grow more robust. They reach adulthood within a few months, transitioning from a pupal stage to fully formed adults, continuing to molt periodically as they grow older.

Ecology and Habitats

These creatures prefer the vibrant and densely forested regions of Lisena, where they build intricate hives within the canopies of trees. They craft these hives using a combination of tree resin, discarded scales, and various natural materials. The intricate designs of their hives serve as not only shelters but also as collective nesting sites.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Serpent flies primarily subsist on a diet of nectar, pollen, and small insects found in the dense foliage of Exlis. Their size allows them access to a varied range of food sources. They use their long, slender tongues to extract nectar from flowers and rely on their keen eyesight to locate and capture insects mid-flight. This balanced diet provides them with essential nutrients for energy and sustenance, supporting their constant activity and aerial prowess.

Biological Cycle

Serpent Flies do not exhibit profound biological changes in response to seasonal shifts. They maintain a relatively stable existence throughout the year, with their activities and behavior displaying consistency regardless of environmental alterations. However, they might adjust their foraging patterns slightly based on the availability of nectar and insect


Serpent Flies operate based on instinctual behaviors. Within their hive, they establish a highly organized social structure, working collectively to maintain the hive's architecture and ensure its defenses. As non-sentient creatures, their behavior is heavily guided by their innate instincts, relying on flight to escape potential threats and employing group strategies for survival.
Scientific Name
Flugraspis Aurumwingalis
10 - 12 Years
Average Height
5ft - 7ft
Geographic Distribution
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