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Skeleton (Ske-Le-Ton)

In the accursed realm of Nentryl, skeletal minions emerge as the most numerous and feeble soldiers within the nefarious army. These skeletal warriors, remnants of lives long extinguished, serve as the backbone of Nentryl's malevolent forces. Animated by dark sorcery, they stand as the weakest link in the necromantic hierarchy, their brittle bones a stark contrast to the formidable might of their higher-ranking counterparts. Despite their individual frailty, the sheer abundance of skeletons makes them an imposing force when amassed, forming the relentless and inexhaustible vanguard of the Nentrillian legions. Marching alongside their undead brethren, the zombies, these skeletal foot soldiers contribute to the eerie spectacle that blankets the Crean Isles, embodying the relentless and unyielding nature of the darkness that engulfs Nentryl.

Basic Information


Skeletons, the reanimated remnants of deceased beings in the Crean Isles, possess a skeletal framework composed of enchanted bones held together by necromantic energies. Stripped of flesh, their skeletal structure retains the general humanoid form, with articulated joints allowing for limited mobility. The bones themselves, infused with dark magic, grant them an eerie luminescence, casting an otherworldly glow in the darkness.

Growth Rate & Stages

Skeletons do not undergo conventional growth or developmental stages; instead, they are summoned into existence through necromantic rituals or arise spontaneously from the bones of the fallen. Once animated, they remain in a static state, displaying no further growth or transformation. Their existence is tied solely to the magical forces that sustain them.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimally, skeletons thrive in environments rich in death and decay, making graveyards, battlefields, and ancient burial grounds their preferred habitats. They often manifest in areas saturated with necromantic energies, drawing power from the residual life force lingering in the surroundings. While they lack the ability to interact with their environment in the traditional sense, their presence engulfs their chosen habitat in an aura of spectral gloom.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Devoid of physiological functions, skeletons do not have conventional dietary needs. Instead, they derive sustenance from the residual necromantic energies that permeate their surroundings. In battles, they absorb life force from their adversaries, replenishing their magical essence. Their lack of biological functions negates the need for traditional hunting or foraging behaviors.

Biological Cycle

Skeletons, being creatures of undeath, do not experience biological cycles in the conventional sense. Unaffected by seasonal changes, they persist eternally unless dispelled by external forces. Unlike living organisms, skeletons do not hibernate or undergo any form of dormancy; their existence is perpetual, sustained solely by the dark magic that binds them to the mortal plane.


Skeletons exhibit a singular purpose – to obey the commands of their necromantic masters. Their behavior is strictly regimented, following the directives of the summoner or higher-ranking undead entities. In battle, they march forward relentlessly, showing no fear or hesitation. They display no social interactions with one another, acting as mere extensions of the dark will that brought them into existence.
Scientific Name
As long as Necromantic energies remain
Average Height
Varies wildly
Geographic Distribution
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