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Wraith (Rayth)

Within the ominous ranks of Nentryl's malevolent forces, wraiths emerge as spectral entities, ethereal remnants of shadowy spirits tethered to the dark realms. These undead apparitions manifest as cloaked figures with skeletal heads shrouded in tattered rags, exuding an aura of eerie malevolence. Functioning as Nentryl's primary air force, wraiths soar through the darkness with an otherworldly grace, their powers surpassing the basic forces of skeletons and zombies. Though considered weaker than the formidable elite forces within Nentryl's arsenal, wraiths stand as the pinnacle among the realm's basic undead legions, their spectral presence striking fear into the hearts of those who oppose the nefarious ambitions of the dark kingdom.

Basic Information


Wraiths, ethereal beings haunting the Crean Isles, embody a spectral form comprised of shadowy essence and malevolent energies. Cloaked in tattered rags, these undead entities bear a skeletal head, their features obscured by an otherworldly shroud. The essence of a wraith is an amalgamation of shadow and necromantic forces, creating a ghastly and intangible visage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wraiths undergo no conventional growth stages. Instead, they arise through the corruption of departed spirits or the infusion of dark energies into the ethereal plane. Once formed, wraiths remain in a static state, their existence marked by an enduring spectral form with no transformations or life stages.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimally thriving in environments saturated with necromantic energies, wraiths manifest in areas tainted by death and malevolence. Graveyards, ancient battlefields, and regions marred by dark rituals serve as their preferred habitats. Though they lack direct interactions with their surroundings, their mere presence amplifies the surrounding malevolence and despair.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Devoid of conventional biological functions, wraiths do not possess dietary needs in the traditional sense. Instead, they draw sustenance from the ambient energies of the ethereal plane and the dark magic that binds them. In battles, they may drain the life force of living beings, replenishing their spectral energies.

Biological Cycle

Wraiths, being entities of undeath, are unaffected by traditional biological cycles or seasonal changes. Their existence persists perpetually, unaltered by the passage of time. Unlike living organisms, wraiths do not undergo hibernation, shedding of leaves, or any form of dormancy associated with natural cycles.


Wraiths exhibit a singular and malevolent behavior, driven by the dark purpose that binds them to the will of their necromantic masters. As airborne entities, they serve as Nentryl's primary air force, wielding their spectral powers with a haunting grace. Though weaker than elite Nentrillian forces, wraiths instill fear through their ethereal presence, manifesting a relentless pursuit of their foes.
Scientific Name
As long as Necromatic energies are present
Average Height
No physical form
Geographic Distribution
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