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Zombie (Zom-Bee)

In the macabre tapestry of Nentryl's dark dominion, zombies stand as formidable counterparts to their skeletal brethren, both sharing the singular purpose of being mass-produced soldiers bound to the will of their necromantic summoners. Unlike skeletons, zombies retain a semblance of their former humanoid bodies, albeit marred by decay and rotting flesh. Their increased physicality grants them a strength surpassing that of skeletons, making them a more robust force on the battlefield. Despite their grotesque appearance and the stench of decay that clings to them, zombies embody the relentless and undying nature of Nentryl's malevolent forces, marching forward without hesitation to fulfill the dark desires of their masters.

Basic Information


Zombies, the reanimated horrors of the Crean Isles, possess a grotesque anatomy comprising decayed flesh and muscle mass. Animated through dark necromantic forces, their bodies exhibit varying degrees of decomposition, with exposed bone, sinew, and putrefying tissue creating a morbid semblance of their former selves. Unlike skeletons, zombies retain a macabre form of mobility, driven by the twisted necromantic energy that binds their wretched existence.

Growth Rate & Stages

Zombies undergo no conventional growth stages but are typically created through the reanimation of deceased individuals. The speed of their creation is influenced by the potency of the necromantic magic employed. Once animated, zombies remain in a perpetual state of decay, undergoing no further transformations or growth throughout their existence.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimally thriving in environments tainted by death and decay, zombies frequent graveyards, battlefields, and other locales saturated with necromantic energies. Their presence alters the ecological balance, as they contribute to the decomposition of organic matter and spread the dark influence of Nentryl. Though they do not actively interact with their habitat, their existence transforms once vibrant landscapes into haunting realms of desolation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Devoid of traditional dietary requirements, zombies do not engage in hunting or foraging behaviors. Instead, they exhibit a relentless pursuit of living beings, driven by an instinctual need to consume the life force of the living. While they do not store or protect food sources, their relentless pursuit ensures a constant, albeit grim, source of sustenance.

Biological Cycle

Zombies, being creatures of undeath, lack a conventional biological cycle. Unaffected by seasonal changes or the passage of time, they persist eternally unless dispelled or destroyed. Their mobility and functionality remain consistent, regardless of external factors, presenting a stark contrast to the natural world's cycles of life and death.


Zombies, animated by the dark will of their summoners, exhibit a singular and relentless behavior – the pursuit and consumption of living beings. Driven by a primitive instinct to feed on the life force of the living, they show no signs of higher cognitive functions or social interactions. Their behavior is purely reactive, responding to external stimuli that trigger their predatory instincts.
Scientific Name
As long as Necromantic energies remain
Average Height
Varies Wildly
Geographic Distribution
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