Bronze Draconic Ethnicity in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Bronze Draconic

A highly social, family-oriented culture, deeply tied to the coasts and seafaring communities they lair near.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Kalsaatran, Lamnerel, Esmetrasz, Lhasatosz, Vemolondoan, Asnulasz, Theluthe, Delsaaro, Alsirras

Masculine names

Zulsharn, Khyhdrath, Sildarh, Nymnirnithis, Pelgris, Omnar, Mylgrilirh, Selshath, Frelos, Zylmurh


Major language groups and dialects

Bronze dragons speak draconic to one another, but usually double in Common, or the most popular language among the local small-folk.

Culture and cultural heritage

Relating to their coastal habitat, bronze dragons have historically been closely involved in naval warfare and marine trade. Understanding the workings of the small-folks' sea-craft, as well as the nuances of tide and weather, are a given. Since a port with friendly Bronze Dragons lairing nearby tends to be safe, it sees an increase in trade traffic, which further compounds the bronze draconic obligation to protect the ports under their wing.

Shared customary codes and values

"A courteous guest is their own tribute."
The value of a community is near-ubiquitous among Bronze Dragons. With their size and abilities, this is not based in the protection a larger group can offer. Rather, the belief goes hand-in-hand with the virtue of collaboration and the uniqueness of each friendship.   Following from this, many Bronze Dragons take up informal roles as protectors over the smallfolk communities they lair near. Bronze Dragons have also been known to guard trade routes, especially sea trade, even going to battle with nefarious Cobalt Dragons.

Foods & Cuisine

Lairing near coastlines and large lakes, Bronze dragons have a great deal of fish in their regular diet. Like most dragons, they typically consume these dinners whole and uncooked. However, when entertaining smallrace guests or celebrating a special occasion, enormous cauldrons of chowder, stew, and hotpot are enjoyed by all.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

For bronze dragons who lair near small-folk communities, those communities are often invited to help celebrate a hatching. The actual cracking of the egg is typically a private affair with the parents, but the new wyrmling is subsequently led out to the cheers and revelry of all the parents' friends.   Gifts for the hatchling's eventual hoard are traditional, though of course they will not be given to the actual hatchling until they have retrieved a starting-piece on their own merit.

Coming of Age Rites

A wyrmling is deemed an juvenile when its horns and frill are fully developed, and the only growth remaining is in size and weight. The first swim and flight are eagerly-anticipated milestones.   Bronze Dragons are considered adults when they establish their own lair and begin a hoard. Like in most dragon cultures, inheriting or receiving a lair as a gift does not confer the rights of adulthood. Similarly, the first part of the hoard must be personally collected by the juvenile dragon. The most popular way to start a hoard is by diving for sunken treasure.

Common Myths and Legends

It is sometimes said that bronze dragons have more superstitions than sailors.
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