Kraken Bay Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Kraken Bay

Kraken Bay wasn't always a misnomer. Prior to the attack of the eponymous monster, it was far more open to the Eternal Sea. But to keep the monster from returning, mighty earth mages closed the entrance to a narrow channel, protecting the inner realms.   Today, Kraken Bay is the de facto means of sea trade in the Inner lands of Primus. Broken only by two islands off the coast of the Vallean Kingdom, its uncommon depth gives it a beautiful blue shade.


The Gulf's northern coast is rocky, faced on most sides by high cliffs. The southern and western shores offer gentler harbors, but there is little worth docking for in the Starless Mire. The gorge channel which connects it to the Bay of Callist is too wide for most ships of war to pass through.

Fauna & Flora

The Gulf is home to all manner of fish, as well as more monstrous aquatic species.


Like most sea routes, commerce occupies most of the traffic in the Gulf. This trade attracts several pirates, especially near the north bay. But pleasure-boats and even exploration vessels are not unheard-of either, and there are even a few small settlements of aquatic folk on the Gulf bottom.
Primus Realm Map
Cartography by Ross McConnell   Go to Primus
Alternative Name(s)
The Inner Sea
Gulf / Lagoon
Location under
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa
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