Cartographers' Guild Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Cartographers' Guild

"What do you mean, you don't need a map? Everyone needs a map! Sure, you may have been there before, but how can you be sure you really saw everything?"
- Biltix Thistleboots, Cartographer
  Based in Primus in the city of Highport , the Cartographers' Guild is on a mission to map the entirety of the Realms, excepting places which are—for the moment—unmappable, such as the Abyss and Limbo . But the guild heads are certain that magical and mechanical research will yield a way to quantify even these territories eventually.


Guild Cartographers balance daring with caution. To succeed in their mission, members must embody both the courage to venture into wild places far from the comforts and security of civilization, but also the caution and level-headedness to come back alive.   Besides the basic reason that the guild culture is friendly and the loss of a single cartographer is mourned by the whole, reckless cartography missions hurt the guild's objectives. After all, the goal is not a series of individual maps, but a unified map of the Realms; it is therefore imperative that cartographers return to share their findings with the guild.

Public Agenda

The guild seeks to commit the whole of the world to paper in map form. Its members journey forth into the furthest reaches of the world, taking careful record of not only landmarks, roadways, and distances, but the wildlife, hazards, plant life, and more. The Guild aims for their maps to be more than graphic lists of what exists where, but to double as useful -potentially even life-saving - guides for travellers.


The primary asset that the guild can offer is information. As expeditions are quite expensive and the guild is constantly sending them out, it has few material assets to offer. However, many of its guild-houses have arrangements with local adventurers' guilds, such as the Planeswalkers' Guild, exchanging guide services and information for bodyguards and equipment.

To boldly and meticulously annotate what no one has catalogued before!

Guild, Adventuring
Guild Cartographer

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa