Planeswalkers' Guild Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Planeswalkers' Guild

A guild of individuals dedicated to exploring other dimensions. They have chapterhouses in nearly every realm. The guild symbol is a swirling portal bordered with butterfly wings. When it appears in colour, the portal is a swirl of blue and purple, while the wings are green and gold. The fey elements represent the first true Other Plane whose existence was confirmed by evidence.


The Planeswalkers are non-hierarchical. Rather, different members have different roles in pursuing the exploration of other planes, and no member outranks any other member, except insofar as a new member is expected to defer to and learn from more experienced members.   When the Planeswalkers act cooperatively, as in an organized expedition, any Planeswalker may propose and/or lead the endeavour with the consent of all involved. Such ventures call for participation from multiple jobs, such as procuring equipment and performing research prior to setting out. The venture leader can request any services they need, which they cannot provide themself. However, other guild members are not required to assist if they do not feel it is wise or if they are otherwise restrained by religious, cultural, or other traditions.


The Planeswalkers are a community of those who wish the fate of the outcast on no one. Of course, in addition to attracting a general populace of explorers and researchers.

Public Agenda

The Planeswalkers of the Crossroad Realms aim to find and traverse all the other dimensions of reality as peaceful explorers, and by doing so to expand and enrich the knowledge and culture of their own dimension.


The assets available to a given chapterhouse are inconsistent. Some have close relationships with the local Cartographers' Guild, and can easily provide their Planeswalkers with maps and locational information of portals, keys, and so forth. Mostly, though, assets come down to the members of a given chapterhouse, their connections and personal resources pooled for a common goal.


The originator of the Planeswalkers was a lay-person who refused to drop his argument. hundreds of years ago, Anselm of Parth was laughed out of the Academy Arcane for his theory that another reality overlapped the Material. His stories of being kidnapped by faeries were widely derided,and his sanity called into question.   Today, the existence of the Feywild seems obvious, but to Anselm's contemporaries, it was just as obvious that fey simply had incredible powers of invisibility and incorporeality, such that they could functionally "leave" a place without "going" anywhere. The idea of another world populated by Fey mirrors of material places and objects seemed ridiculous to them.     Though his theory was later borne out in evidence, Anselm lived in disgrace for much of his adult life, barred from many of the resources he needed to prove his case and pursue his passion. While he considered the catalyst for the modern Planeswalkers' Guild, it was officially founded in his memory, to continue pursuing his work and to recognize his contribution to dimensional exploration.
Guild, Adventuring
Controlled Territories

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa