Erballux's Artworks Building / Landmark in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Erballux's Artworks

An ogre magician named Erballax Klint runs this chapterhouse for the Planewalkers Guild. His artwork focuses on sculptures of real corpses, with the skin flayed, peeled, or melted to reveal the riot of viscera within.

Purpose / Function

In addition to being Erballux's art gallery, this building is a chapterhouse for the Planeswalkers' Guild. Erballux himself is a member in good standing, and lends guild members and their companions what help he can in their missions, provided it does not run him afoul of the local archdemon.   Planeswalker chapterhouses usually house connecting portals, but as a portal between Zelatar and the Prime Material would cause an Abyssal Incursion, the art gallery houses no such portal.


Like the rest of the city, the gallery's location and appearance are always in flux. However, it is usually a small and out-of-the way structure, with the entrance usually connecting to an alley, or being located beneath or above a more prominent building.
Alternative Names
The Zelatar Chapterhouse
Art gallery
Owning Organization

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa