Genasi Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Genasi are part elemental. Most are descended from genies, but there are other ways a Genasi can come about. For instance, a Genie or Elemental Deity who granted a mortal's wish for a child might imbue that child with the powers of their element, creating a Genasi, a sorcerer, or both.   Genasi are found all across the Crossroad Realms, and the place a given Genasi considers their homeland will depend on their particular heritage. A Genasi who feels more tied to their Elven blood might claim Arvandor as their homeland. But those who feel closer to their Elemental or Genie side will likely claim allegiance to one of the Elemental planes.

Basic Information


Genasi heritage is often visually apparent, but may be subtle in its presentation. It manifests differently depending on the element which a given Genasi inherited.   Air Genasi may be unusually lightweight for their size. Their hair or clothes may float about them as if caught in an unfelt breeze. They may manifest swirling designs on their skin, especially in white, silver, or pale blue tones. Some have eyes or skin that flash like thunderclouds. They may appear somewhat translucent. Their touch may give off static shocks.   Earth Genasi may be unusually heavy for their size. Their skin may be tougher and less susceptible to scrapes. They may have protrusions or streaks in their skin which resemble mineral striations or gemstones. Sometimes these present as shining streaks of gold or silver. Their eyes and hair may tend toward gemstone shades, rather than those of their mortal heritage. Skin tones are often shades of brown or grey. Some have a constant layer of dust on their skin.   Fire Genasi may feel warm even in colder environs. Their coloration tends toward warm colors and monochromes resembling fire, smoke, and ash. Their eyes may glow. Friction with their skin may result in sparks. Their skin may have thin cracks that glow like a layer of magma. Their tears, blood, and so forth may produce steam. Some are hairless, with a persistent flame or cloud of smoke around their head instead.   Water Genasi often present gills, fins, or scales. Their coloration tends toward cool shades, with those from deeper reaches trending paler, and those near the surface having darker shades. Bright coral shades in pinks and purples and bioluminescent hair or skin patterns are also common. They may have webbed hands or feet, or enlarged eyes. They may carry a smell of the sea.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genasi can reproduce naturally with most humanoid creatures, including genies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Genasi usually mature slightly faster than other children of their mortal heritage.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Genasi are most common in the Elemental Realms, but can be found throughout the world.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Genasi's magical and sensory capabilities vary by element. Air Genasi are known to hover or fly as easily as walking, while Earth Genasi may have unusual strength, or be able to swim through the earth like water. Water Genasi are typically amphibious, and do not suffer like other creatures when subjected to water pressure. Fire Genasi are often similarly resistant to heat, and most genasi can typically see in darkness.   The potency of a power depends on the concentration of elemental magic within the person. However, there is wide variation even among those with identical or near-identical heritage.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Ignan (Language of Fire)
  • Auran (Language of Air)
  • Aquan (Language of Water)
  • Terran (Language of Earth)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Humanoid (Elemental)
A Genasi typically lives slightly longer than expected for a person from their mortal heritage.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa