Aurian Ethnicity in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Cultural norms common to the realm of Auria and not specific to any racial ethnicity. The people of Auria are widely varied, but have a few commonalities, mostly due to the unique geology of their Realm, as well as the cosmic pulls of lawfulness and positivity, tempered by Primus' neutrality.   Generally, Aurians value freedom, self-determination, creative expression, and honesty. They oppose manipulation and coersion vehemently, but can find room in their culture for most ways of living that do not encroach upon other persons.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nerefina, Daeralei, Awina, Valxina, Julheen, Zinlynn, Miayra, Jasreera, Syldi, Salila

Masculine names

Elaneiros, Aroos, Syllen, Volaris, Kasaiah, Virven, Oloven, Rifeed, Aslah, Morwarin

Unisex names

Oonih, Vethni, Zieth, Rennu, Trifeir, Cylfir, Shanna, Skye, Faarian, Mahdaas, Volance, Safar


Major language groups and dialects

Most Aurian people speak Auran, in addition to one or more other languages, such as Celestial (owing to frequent traffic with Celestia or Gnomish.

Shared customary codes and values

Auran culture emphasizes freedom, one of the most respected rights of all beings. To this end transparency and honesty are generally valued, though use of lies for purposes other than to manipulate, coerce, or control the behaviour of others is considered socially acceptable in some situations. To pursue desires even as they wax and wane without concern for societal backlash is considered highly laudable. While such pursuits should be balanced with pragmatism, the chance of failure is generally consdered irrelevant when asking whether or not to try.   Wanderlust is encouraged in Aurian society, and most Aurians prefer to remain relatively untethered. To this end, experiential gifts, rather than posessions which must be stored and transported, are especially prized.

Common Etiquette rules

When conversing midair, it is polite to hover at equal height (by the eye level) with one's conversational partner(s). Similarly, it is a common courtesy not to litter or drop anything carelessly, as it is difficult to predict where - or upon whom - the debris may land.

Common Dress code

Because of the high population of winged creatures in Auria, Aurian fashion frequently features backless cuts. The opposed fashions of slim-fitting clothing for athletic, aerodynamic silhouettes and the light flowing garments that catch and express the beauty and motion of the wind are both popular, and fashion-forward outfits often juxtapose the two motifs, layering long robes over close-fitting base layers.   Most Aurian fashion is also insulating, to guard against the constant winds.

Art & Architecture

Much Aurian art takes inspiration from the open spaces and winds which are constants in Aurian life. Painting the motion of wind through the floating islands is the Aurian equivalent of painting a sunset: it's beautiful and admired, but not considered an especially creative subject.   Because of the constant air traffic between this realm and its neighbours, as well as the social value on wanderlust and free expression, it is hard to pin Aurian art and architecture into any motif.

Foods & Cuisine

Owing to the lack of terrestrial space, meat is a staple in the Aurian diet. Poultry of various species forms the backbone of many meals, but the ease of transport by airship from nearby Arcadia, Celestia, Bytopia, and Primus, further fuelled by the high value Aurians place on novelty, ensures variety is not difficult to come by.

Common Taboos

To attempt command over another individual without that individual's express and informed consent is considered utterly taboo. Domination magic of all sorts is forbidden.
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Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa