Keymasters Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


"Portals are the perfect example of convenience at a cost. Most never pause to think of the long-term effects of one realm's aura bleeding into another. Or of what might step through when no one is looking."
- Keymaster Varrus
The Keymasters are an ancient faction sworn to maintain the balance of the realms. Practically speaking, they are the ones responsible for handling Abyssal incursions, uncontrolled portals, and unregulated portal travel between realms.   The most commonly-seen application of the Keymasters is that of border guards, monitoring and regulating traffic through the many portals which connect the Realms.


The Keymasters are led by a small council of Locksmiths, experienced and wise guild members who vote democratically on guild-wide decisions.


The Keymasters are an eclectic bunch, with members from a diverse base of personal origin and skill sets. Considered by many to be a Lawful organization, the Keymasters in fact strive for true Neutrality. They claim allegiance to no specific realm, but to the maintenance of cosmic balance.

Core Tenets

  • The preservation of any cosmic force requires an equal and opposite presence of the opposing force.
  • Left to its own ends, the world would swiftly fall into imbalance and be destroyed.
  • Just as the realms require both law and chaos, all creatures have the capacity to help in the fight for continued balance.

Public Agenda

The Keymasters maintain the fragile equilibrium between realms. Threats to this balance include uncontrolled portals, abyssal incursions, outright invasions, and natural disasters that risk parts of Primus being reabsorbed by the elemental Realms which border it. Keymasters work cooperatively with local governments across the realms to accomplish these ends, and are thus known as inter-realm diplomats as well as Realm defenders.   Their mission is not to maintain national borders, but to monitor the balance of all the realms' unique energies and, more broadly, the balance of good and evil, law and chaos, positivity and negativity that binds the Realms together.

Every lock has a key.

Guild, Mages
Controlled Territories

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa
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