Lolth's Grove Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Lolth's Grove

This haunted grove was once the domain of Lolth before her fall from the Seladrine's grace. A heavy silence hangs over the grove, and animals—except for spiders—instinctively avoid it.


In a secluded valley, the river of Lolth's Tears has its headwaters here, flowing out into a low-lying marsh along the mountains' edge. The grove itself is shadowed, its canopy formed as much of spiderwebs as trees. Most of the foliage here has a grey cast to it, and the ground is littered with fragile bones and scraps from the spiders' meals.

Localized Phenomena

Spiders are uncannily drawn to this place, and can grow to unprecedented sizes.
Location under

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa