Manticore Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


flying lions with flingable tail spines!

Basic Information


Manticores have the body of a lion, the wings of a dragon, and a face that resembles a bizarre amalgamation of lion and human, with a huge mouth sporting rows upon rows of sharp, flesh-shredding teeth.   Their bodies are covered in long, poisonous spines, especially on the tuft of the tail. These spines can be repelled to great distances, and regrow quickly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Little is known about how manticores breed, but sightings of juvenile manticores does confirm that this species, though magically created, is capable of sustaining itself this way. Limited data suggests the litter size is similar to that of their lion cousins, but that they are hatched from eggs rather than a mammalian live birth.
Manticore by Uncredited - Monster Manual 5e
Scientific Name
hamatis leo

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa