Persana Character in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The stoic creator-god of the Tritons, Persana's form is that of a ten-foot-tall, green-skinned Triton. He bears a pink and green conch shell and, if armed, he carries his sacred weapon, a trident. However, Persana has not been known to manifest as often as some other deities. Instead, he generally travels, formless as the water he moves through.   Persana's most notable personality trait is his focus on justice and guardianship. Being much longer-lived than even the most enduring mortals, Persana fully understands the power of the creatures who inhabit the Darkened Depths. That these creatures should seek to prey on the weaker beings of Oceanus is, to him, disgustingly unfair. He believes that holding back these horrors is the responsibility of all who have the power to do so.   His personality is universally reported as being stoic and serious, not given to impulsiveness or showy outbursts of any kind. This inexpressive nature does not extend to his architectural work, however, and the sea god finds great joy and satisfaction in the creation of aesthetic pleasure through structure and design.   Some assume Persana's Alignment as being lawful based on this serious nature, but these are mistaken. Like his domain of Oceanus, Persana's only clear cosmic affiliation is that of the Good. He carries within himself the discipline and focus of law in equal measure to the flexibility and vibrancy of chaos.

Divine Domains

Persana's portfolio includes aesthetic beauty, architecture, justice, guardianship, and nature. As the creator and patron of Tritons, anything involving the wellbeing of this species falls under Persana's purview as well.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Persana has been said to send omens in the forms of whirlpools, and to have an especial love for the beauty of pearls. These objects are considered to be various degrees of sacred in Triton culture and in the Church of Persana.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Persana seems interested in little other than the wellbeing of the Tritons. However, the disappearance of Eadro seems to have worried him greatly. He gave up his status as a wandering, nomadic deity to take up residence and joint-stewardship in Shelluria at Eadro's request, along with Trishina and an avatar of Stronmaus. While his primary concern remains his patronage of the Triton people, discovering Eadro's fate and whereabouts also seems important to him.


Contacts & Relations

Persana is a member of the Asathalfinare, a pantheon of oceanic deities who cooperate for the maintained peace and wellbeing of their patron species. He is rarely closely involved in any Asathalfinare affair that does not directly affect the Tritons.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of the Deep
Justice of the Depths
Aligned Organization

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa
Character Portrait image: by Henrique Dld