Triton Ethnicity in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Triton communities are almost exclusively found in the deep ocean, where few species can dwell without trouble. Because of this, Triton culture has not been mixed or influenced as heavily by outside influences as some others, and comes off rather "old-fashioned" to cosmopolitan surface dwellers.   The influence of deep-sea life, as well as of Persana, can be seen in almost every aspect of Triton culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names, as a rule, end in "-yn," but are otherwise indistinct from other names.

Masculine names

Masculine names end in "-as," but are otherwise indistinct from other names.

Unisex names

The suffix "-or" represents a gender-neutral name, but the rest of the name is similarly malleable.


Major language groups and dialects

Aquan is the most common language in Triton culture, and is considered the default in most Triton communities.

Art & Architecture

The Triton (species) creator god is also a god of architecture and beauty, and as such Triton communities take pride in their structural design. Triton buildings are not only pragmatic for standing up against the push and erosion of currents, they are also aesthetically pleasing.   By far, the most common traditional building material is a form of concrete mixed from a variety of deep-water substrates. This material sets even when immersed in water, and can be shaped by even a novice sorcerer or druid.   Traditional designs are informed as much by pragmatism as aesthetic. Solid walls and flat shapes are not usually used, favouring more branched, arching, and latticelike designs which imitate the beauty of natural corals and kelp forests. However, there is also a practice of intentionally shaping a flat wall, appropriately reinforced against currents, and allowing the water to shape it into gentle waves over decades.   Most motifs emulate nature, mimicking aspects such as the motion of kelp, the grace of a creature's swimming, the humbling depths of a trench, or the power of a hydrothermal vent. Some designs are even inspired by surface views; the stars or moon especially. These are more common among Triton communities nearer to shallow or coastal regions, or whose seven-to-nine-mile-deep homes lie near surface trading-routes.   Triton architecture does not sport much embellishment, pulling focus onto the design itself. A tasteful mounted accent may be used to help guide the eye along the structure in the desired way, but some traditional architects consider this a crutch.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Specific mourning traditions vary by community, and are largely decided by the bereaved's individual needs. Disposal of the body is more universal. The body is left in a special chamber where a large number of deep-sea shrimp are kept. Over three to four days, the creatures consume all but the bones, which are interred either in a crypt, crushed into poweder and scattered, or set to be grown-over by corals, if the community is near a reef.

Major organizations

Tritons have a close relationship with the Church of Persana, and make up most of its members. Persana created the Triton species, and shaped many aspects of Triton culture. Because of Persana's influential focus on justice and guardianship, the Church of Helm is also popular, especially among the Hadal Guardians.

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa