Prince of Frost Character in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Prince of Frost

Lord of the Long Night

A powerful archfey of the The Unseelie Court, this bitter, cold-hearted fey rules from a wintry vale where the sun never rises.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Prince of Frost was once called the Sun Prince, and was a powerful member of The Seelie Court. He embodied joy and passion, and was unusually benevolent and considerate toward non-fey, even taking a human lover.   The joy and vivacity of his domain was an eyesore to the unseelie court, and one day the winter fey led a full-on attack on his palace. The Prince called to Titania for aid, but her help did not come in time, and the Prince's lover was slain in his arms. His despair and bitterness froze his heart, and his rage at Titania's carelessness exceeded even his indignance at the Unseelie attackers.   He swore fealty to the Queen of Air and Darkness, and took up residence in the coldest corner of her empire, naming it the Vale of Long Night. From there he works to cover the world in endless winter.


Contacts & Relations

Many fey who align with the winter serve the Prince of Frost. He also has a good relationship with several White Dragons. He has a wary friendship with The Raven Queen, though he suspects she was involved in the attack that killed his beloved, and therefore does not fully trust her.

Family Ties

He is the estranged son of Titania and the nephew of Queen Mab.
Current Location
Long, flat, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa