The Unseelie Court Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

The Unseelie Court

The Unseelie Court is the shadowy double of the summer court, much as the Shadowfell is the dark echo balancing the Feywild's light. Led by the Queen of Air and Darkness, her palace of shadow and decay moves at her will, much like her sister Titania's summer palace.   The Unseelie Court holds dominion over the parts of the echo affected more by the cosmic pull of Negativity.


Formed under a looser hierarchy than its Seelie mirror, the Unseelie Court is simply composed of its leader, the Queen of Air and Darkness and all fey who followed her. All of these "Unseelie" fey defer to the Queen's will. However, as she rarely appears, they are united more by shared ideals than traditional leadership.


While the Seelie Court purports to have always existed, the Unseelie Court remembers its own origins well.   The Queen of Air and Darkness is the sister of Titania, and once upon a time the two were the jewels of the entire Feywild, ruling together from the summer palace.   Exactly how the split happened is debated, and given that the only ones who can give witness accounts are fey, the objective truth may never be known. Some say the Queen of Air and Darkness was tricked into accepting a cursed gem which twisted her heart and mind to love death and destruction and to be repulsed by all that was light and living. But this is not the only version.   Others claim she and Titania argued over the best form for the seasons, with one wishing for eternal summer and the other for eternal winter. Unable to reconcile their wishes, they divided the Fey, each swearing to demonstrate the superiority of her own choice.   Finally, some claim that the gods were jealous of the combined power of these two powerful archfey, and sent spies and interlopers to sow discord between them, until the rift was so great that it could never be mended, and their kingdom was split.   Whatever the case, the feud between the winter and summer courts is a grievance nearly as long-standing as The Blood War, and perhaps as unsolvable.
Geopolitical, Great house
Alternative Names
The Gloaming Court; the Winter Court
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa