Ship Of One Hundred Vehicle in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Ship Of One Hundred

A legendary, pilotless vessel which seems immune to the ocean's corrosive effects, though all investigations have concluded it is forged of normal iron. It sails endlessly on the seas of Porphatys.   It appears as a caravel, though its draft is much shallower to accommodate the relatively poor depth of Porphatys' oceans. This does not cause any apparent imbalance or trouble with its navigation, however.


Sails and oars, though the oars do not move, and there is no navigation wheel. Instead, the ship seems to move of its own accord to navigate the vast oceans.

Weapons & Armament

The Ship is equipped with many cannons and ballistae, all stiff fom disuse.
the White Caravel
Current location
Complement / Crew
100 Sarcophogi

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa