Porphatys Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Shallow oceans and sandbars barely higher than the water level cover Porphatys' planetoids. The entire ocean is severely acidic and corrosive, and so is the black snow and rain, which is this layer's most common weather, assails the worlds with freezing storms.


Porphatys' worlds are remarkably smooth, especially compared to Colothys. The highly acidic oceans are generally becalmed, and the only landforms are sandbars barely higher than the water level. These contain the only non-lethal entrances to Porphatys' underworld, and are thus prized as habitats.   The planetoids of Porphatys are so far apart—estimated millions of miles—that they are barely visible even when not obscured by the constant storm clouds which cloak each planet.


The acidic black snow of Porphatys is this world's most famous weather, coming down in constant snowstorms. The acid also pelts down as rain, and thunderstorms are equally common. Each planetoid is shrouded in layers of heavy clouds, making it difficult to see the other planetoids from the surface.

Fauna & Flora

If any aquatic life can survive Porphatys' acidic oceans, then it is fearsome enough that no explorer has lived to tell of it. On the surface, life congregates on the minuscule sandbars, or else on ships whose crews must constantly repair them against the ocean's corrosive effects.   Within the only-slightly-less-flooded underworld, there are pockets of water that some monstrous life forms can survive in, and these amphibians live in great number near water sources, taking advantage of land-bound creatures' dependence on potable water.   Cannibalism is especially common on this layer, since prisoners are by far the most reliable food source.
Alternative Name(s)
Porphatys of the Black Snow
Dimensional plane
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Articles under Porphatys

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa