Sky-Whale Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


This majestic mammal resembles its Humpback cousins of Oceanus. They soar through the skies over the Realms, feeding from clouds.

Basic Information


Sky-whales resemble Humpback Whales, though the sky-whale's fins are longer and broader, and the adults develop a second set of fins behind the first. They are also both baleen whales, having long strands of keratin rather than teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

An adult sky-whale can bear one calf every 2-3 years. The calf reaches sexual maturity at about 4-10 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Sky whales prefer airspace with more condensation, since more clouds means more food. Like many sensible creatures, they avoid living near large predators such as dragons or giants.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sky-whales use their baleen to feed from clouds. They filter both water and nutrients from the condensation.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sky-whales are magical beasts with innate levitation abilities. A healthy sky-whale can float at any altitude, but when they are sick or injured, they begin to sink. Pods of sky-whales support sick or injured members from beneath to reduce their descent rate.   A sky-whale is a passive creature, but it does have one defensive measure; it can alter its whalesong to produce a percussive sonic blast that stuns and confuses its opponents. Its size and weight can also be used to its advantage, but if a whale is fighting with its fins, things are dire.
Scientific Name
Nubes Cete
Magical Beast
Conservation Status
Sky Whales are under the protection of the Teeth of the Wind. Hunting a sky-whale is punishable, the degree of punishment ranges from fine to death depending on the jurisdiction. The purchase, sale, or ownership of any part of a sky-whale's body is also forbidden. Many other Realms participate in this protection, most notably Celestia.
Geographic Distribution