The Crossroad Realms Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

The Crossroad Realms

"The Crossroad Realms" describes the world all Realms share. It is commonly depicted in a circular diagram known as The Great Wheel. It was formed from the collisions of cosmic forces of law, chaos, good, and evil settling into equilibrium.   The meaning of each of these terms is heavily subjective, and is of little interest to most sapient peoples. There is no denying, however, that many Realms affect creatures differently, depending on how "in tune" that creature is with the Realm's own nature. This judgement seems to have nothing at all to do with a creature's own idea of their "alignment," and the apparent method of deduction varies widely from Realm to Realm.


A consistent map of all the Realms is not possible, as their borders constantly shift and blend with another. In addition, distance and time work differently in many realms.   However, their rough placements in relation to one another remain relatively constant, allowing for the Great Wheel model to depict their layout. In the centre of all Realms is Primus, bordered by the Elemental Realms from which it formed. Beyond these are the Outer Realms, and beyond those the planes of positivity and negativity - in theory. Travel beyond the outer realms is impossible due to spacial twisting and the infinite nature of the border regions.   Above and around all realms, indicated by a blue ring on the wheel model, is the Astral Sea - the airless expanse of stars that fills the upper skies and also seems infinite in its extensions.

Localized Phenomena

The Upper Realms border the Realm of Positive Energy, also known as the Realm of Light. Peace and joy, to varying degrees and in various interpretations, characterize these realms. They have a greater population of plant and animal life than the lower realms, and are more hospitable to life in general.   The Lower Realms are more influenced by the Realm of Negative Energy, also known as the Realm of Void. This void permeates the domains with violence and despair. Many of the lower realms are bleak, and struggle to support permanent populations of non-undead creatures.   The left most and right-most sides of the map are similarly influenced by the cosmic forces of Law and Chaos. The former calls the Realms to order, allowing stability. The other emphasizes freedom and change.


  • The Great Wheel
    Cartography/Cosmography by Obsidian Reach, with backgrounds edited by me.

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa