The crossroad realms The Twin Cataclysms

The Twin Cataclysms

Disaster / Destruction


The Empire of Abenea and the Dwarves of the Empire Under the Mountains destroy each other in a deadly exchange of magical blows: a mighty sea creature tearing the Abenean coast asunder, and a rain of spellfire that withered the dwarven kingdoms into the Starless Mire.

The century war between the Kingdom of Stone and the Abenese Empire - known then as the Imperium, since there was no other empire of consequence in Primus - came to a head in this duet of magical destruction.   The methodology behind these attacks has been lost, partly to time, and partly due to intentional erasure to prevent their replication.   Similarly, it is not known who fired first. From their kingdoms in the mountains and lush foothills of the Ironspine mountains, the dwarves performed a summoning. They called for a mighty creature with the power to rend earth on a continental scale to break their enemy's holdings. But even as the waters of Kraken Bay - then known as the Endless Sea - began to boil with the answer to their invocation, storm clouds began to gather overhead.   Masters of aerial assault, the Abenese conjured a storm of magical rain. It pelted down with the force of falling stone, neatly cutting off at the borders of Abenea. It pounded the mountains down to their present height, causing earthquakes, collapses, floods, gas leaks, fires, and all manner of calamity within. It doused the foothills, melting stone and vegetation alike into a desecrated soup that eventually settled into the Starless Mire.   In the wake of the devastation, Primus was forever changed. Its mountains which once stood as high as the Astral Sea were knocked down to earthly height, the magic of the living stone slaughtered. Below, a mired swamp of desecrated ground sludged into the cracks and chasms that reached out from Kraken Bay like hungry arms.   The Kraken beat down several miles of earth into muddy seawater before the druids of Abenea and its vassals to the south managed to force it east, using feats of earth magic to close the channel behind it. It turned its fury on the coastline, shattering the southwest borders, and it took the combined might of the Abenean navy and all the powers of Oceanus to finally dispell the creature.

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