The Moonlight Respite

The building, a three story, slate roof, built from what can only be the most exotic hardwoods, stands before you. The exterior is fraught with ornate designs and beautifully polished hardwood. The shrubbery and flowers look exquisite. If you didn't know already, there would be nothing outwardly giving this away as a “House of Lady Favors”.   As you enter the heavy wooden door, you're greeted by a thick, musky scent. Compared to it's exterior, it's even more lavish and opulent on the inside. A lite smoke from what can only be incense lingers in the air. People, both customers and courtesan alike, lounge and languish in chairs and on pillows. Across the room, a tall fit man in opulent red silk robes, sits in a equally opulent high-back leather chair. He's smoking a cigarillo and has a very beautiful woman sitting side-saddle on his lap. Off to the side of your vision, on a bed of pillows, you see three young women. You can't tell who's the customer and who's the courtesan. You've heard rumors of this place and quickly realize they don't do it justice.   A tall woman, in her 50’s, yet untouched by the hands of time, approaches you from the left...wait a moment, is she 50 or is she 35!? Either way you can't tell and frankly don't care. She greets you: “I'm Madame Zahra. What is you're pleasure this evening?”.
Alternative Names
House of Ill Repute
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location

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