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Master Sergeant Sildar Hallweather

Master Sergeant Sildar Hallweather

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sildar grew up in Phandalin, the son of a local brewer. His parents died his senior year of high school, leaving him devastated and aimless. He ran off to Neverwinter, but with little experience and a backwoods education, he soon found himself barely scraping by. In his desperation, he took a position in the Neverwinter Armed Forces. He found military life suited him, and he soon proved himself to his superiors. His strong body and sharp mind both served him well, and he rose in the ranks after several successful campaigns in the northern frontier (it was during one of these excursions that he met Gundren Rockseeker). After ten years of service, Sildar retired, first back to Neverwinter, but he soon grew tired of city life and longed to return home.

Gender Identity





Sildar finished high school in Phandalin. Being a backwoods education, he didn't learn as much as one would in a larger city. He has a basic understanding of common tongue, as well as some math skills. He excelled in history, and has an extensive knowledge of the history of Faerun, as he's always engaged his habit of reading about historical events.


Sildar is retired from the Neverwinter military will a full pension.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He attained the rank of Master Sergeant in the Neverwinter armed forces after successfully repelling a Duergar attack on a Neverwinter outpost under very dire circumstances. He and his troops held off the enemy's advance for a full ten-day until reinforcements arrived. Sildar is credited with slaying the enemy captain with a well-placed crossbow bolt, though none could say for sure which if the dozens of bolts actually delivered the killing blow.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sildar's greatest failure, he feels, was never telling Adabra how he feels about her.

Mental Trauma

The sudden death of his parents left deep wounds that haven't fully healed. There was no major event, his dad just died in his sleep one night, and a few weeks later so did his mother. Aside from that, he has a bit of PTSD from the trauma of war he has experienced over the last decade.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a keen study in history.

Morality & Philosophy

Usually lawful, occasionally chaotic, but always good.


Excessive drink or drug use

Personality Characteristics


To set right that which may be wrong, and to set up future generations for a better present than their past.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy on the battlefield.   Inept in romance and social situations that involve a lot of small talk.


Family Ties

Gundren Rockseeker, friend and business partner. Adabra Gwynn, childhood friend and love interest Elmar Barton, childhood friend Yeemik, childhood friend

Religious Views

Grew up attending Church of Lathander, never misses dropping a coin at Tymorah's shrine after his experience in the military ("one needs all the luck they can get in this world").


Master Sergeant Sildar Hallweather

Business Partner (Important)

Towards Gundren Rockseeker



Gundren Rockseeker

Business Partner (Important)

Towards Master Sergeant Sildar Hallweather




Gundren knows that Sildar, with his background and experience, is key to bringing order to Phandalin, which will allow Gundren and his brothers the base of operations they need to pursue their treasure hunt.   Sildar knows that the riches three dwarves can bring up from the mines around Phandalin will greatly bolster the entire region, and he will make some inroads with the local town leadership if he supports the Rockseeker operations in the area.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Making Phandelver a stable power in its own right, and not just a vassal state to one or more outsiders.

Shared Secrets

They both know that Gundren may have found Wave Echo Cave, the magical dungeon in which the Forge of Spells is rumored to be.

Shared Acquaintances

Hela Thornton, the owner and operator of The Miner's Exchange in Phandalin. Harbin Wester, current Mayor of Phandalin and all around shithead. Elmar Barthen, proprietor of Barthen's Goods, the general store in Phandalin.

Wealth & Financial state

Modest (small family inheritance, including a house in Phandalin, plus his military pension)

Sildar grew up in Phandalin, and went off to join the Neverwinter army years ago. He is well-known and well-liked among the people of Phandalin, and has many friendly contacts in Neverwinter. Since his retirement from the military, he is focused on helping Phandalin get back on its feet and becoming the prosperous beacon of commerce and civility his parents always imagined it could be.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master Sergeant
Current Residence
Known Languages
Common, Dwarf, Elf, Goblin

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