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Ched Nasad

Ched Nasad, the City of Shimmering Webs, was a magnificent and enigmatic city located deep within the Underdark. It was a stronghold of the Drow, a place of beauty and treachery, where the machinations of Lloth, Demon Queen of Spiders, held sway over the lives of its inhabitants.   Ched Nasad was renowned for its intricate architecture, its grand spires, and bridges woven from shimmering webs that glistened with an otherworldly glow. The city was a center of dark arts, where the pursuit of power and dominance thrived amidst a web of intricate intrigues and political maneuverings.   However, the city's fate took a tragic turn during a fateful event known as Lloth's Silence. In -617 DR, for reasons unknown, Lloth withdrew her divine favor and protection from Ched Nasad, plunging the city into chaos and darkness. The once-prosperous metropolis quickly descended into a maelstrom of violence and destruction.   Without Lloth's guidance, the Drow of Ched Nasad turned on each other, engaging in a brutal civil war for dominance and survival. Rival houses vied for control, and the streets ran red with the blood of their kin. The city became a twisted labyrinth of treachery and despair, as madness and desperation gripped the populace.   Amidst the chaos, dark forces from the Underdark seized the opportunity to strike at the weakened city. Mind Flayers and other malevolent creatures invaded Ched Nasad, further fueling the city's descent into ruin. The once-proud spires were toppled, the intricate web structures torn asunder, and the once-beautiful city reduced to rubble and ashes.   Ched Nasad's destruction left a scar on the collective memory of the Drow. It served as a grim reminder of the tenuous nature of power and the wrath of Lloth. The remnants of the city lay abandoned, a haunting testament to the consequences of turning against The Spider Queen and the perils that await those who dare to challenge her dominion.   To this day, the ruins of Ched Nasad stand as a haunting reminder of the tragedy that unfolded during Lloth's Silence. It is a place of darkness and lost glory, where only whispers of the city's former splendor can be heard, carried by the winds that blow through the shattered remnants of its once-mighty towers.   The few survivors of the ruined city hide among the pirates of Luskan. Many seek to find a better home for their people and hope for the future.

Cover image: Ched Nasad by Midjourney


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