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Hearts and Minds

After capturing the fortress by slaying the Mind Flayers and clearing out the spiders, Rizzyl offers over one of Bosskyn Gorrb's flying snakes to message Jarlaxle. You're able to send him the teleportation circle's information. After everyone has gathered, Jarlaxle finally reveals a few key parts of his agenda, but keeps much close to his vest as not everyone present is a member of Bregan D’aerthe.   Jarlaxle: Ah, Drizzt Do'Urden, my dear friend. I see you've come seeking answers about the Drow and Mind Flayers in Undermountain. Quite a curious situation, isn't it?   Drizzt: Jarlaxle, I must admit, I am deeply concerned about the number of Drow and Mind Flayers gathering beneath Waterdeep. What is the purpose of their presence?   Jarlaxle: Fear not, my friend. Bregan D'aerthe is there to ensure the safety of Waterdeep. We are working tirelessly to prevent an Illithid invasion. These men, (he says indicating you all) are our allies, fighting to protect the surface from the mind flayers' insidious plans.   Drizzt: Protecting the surface? You and your men, Jarlaxle? I have my doubts about your intentions. So many Drow beneath the city raises questions and invites suspicion.   Jarlaxle: Ah, Drizzt, I understand your concerns. But let me enlighten you. Those Drow you see are not invaders or infiltrators; they are survivors. They are the remnants of Ched Nasad, a city devastated by tragedy. They seek a new chance at life on the surface, just as you do.   Drizzt: Survivors or not, their presence alone will raise fears and hostility. Waterdeep has not yet embraced the idea of Drow living among them. It will not be an easy task to change their perception.   Jarlaxle: Precisely why I need your help, my friend. You are an icon, a symbol of what the Drow can be. Your actions and character have already challenged many stereotypes. By acting as our ambassador, you can change hearts and minds, showing the people of Waterdeep that not all Drow are evil or dangerous.   Drizzt: Coercion? Manipulation? That's not the path I choose, Jarlaxle. I believe in leading by example, and in showing others the goodness that lies within our hearts.   Jarlaxle: And that is why I value your friendship, Drizzt. You remind me of the importance of integrity and compassion. But sometimes, a little persuasion is necessary to bring about change. Think of it as an opportunity to extend your influence, to give the Drow a fair chance at acceptance.   Drizzt: Very well, Jarlaxle. If it means giving the refugees a chance at a new life on the surface, I will consider your proposal. But know this, I will not compromise my principles or tarnish my reputation in the process.   Jarlaxle: I wouldn't expect anything less, my friend.   Jarlaxle is able to convince Drizzt Do'urden , Thorvin Twinbeard and Rizzeryl, Zhent Information Broker  to travel to the surface together. Thorvin was eager to debrief to The Harpers and Rizzeryl claimed to have personal business in Waterdeep as well.    Now that the room has cleared, the weight in the air has lifted.
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Cover image: Drizzt Do'Urden by Midjourney


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