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House Auvryndar

A drow priestess of Lolth named T’rissa Auvryndar and her retinue have assumed control of a section of Stromkuhldur (Level 3 - Sargauth Level) and converted a temple once dedicated to Dumathoin into a hatchery for giant spiders. Under T’rissa’s command, the drow have begun secret experiments using humanoids as incubators for giant spider eggs. They are preparing to invade Skullport.
  Jarlaxle Baenre has asked Gurren, Nymdor, Slies and Rizzen to maintain a positive relationship with House Auvryndar and honor their current contract. Jarlaxle did imply that someday, when his machinations come to fruition, Bregan D’aerthe will betray the Lloth worshipping house.

Cover image: House Auvryndar by Midjourney


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