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Ilythiir, Fallen Dark Elf Empire

The fallen empire of Ilythiir, a society of mostly Vhaeraun's followers, was a once-great civilization that stood proud and flourishing on the surface. Many disaffected Drow who learn of its history try to remember it as a prosperous and powerful realm, rich in culture, knowledge, and advanced magical practices. It represented the pinnacle of Elven achievements before Corellon's curse changed the course of their history.   Corellon's curse transformed the Ilythiiri Elves into the Drow, which was a severe punishment for their betrayal and descent into evil. To many disaffected Drow, it is seen as a cruel fate imposed upon their ancestors, a reminder of the cost of defying the surface Elves and embracing darker powers. The curse resulted in the downfall of Ilythiir and forced the surviving Drow to seek refuge in the depths of the Underdark.   Many Drow also hold a deep resentment towards the surface Elves for their role in driving the Drow underground and erasing almost all traces of Ilythiir from the surface world. They see the actions of the surface Elves as a deliberate attempt to erase the memory of their once-great civilization, denying the Drow the opportunity to reclaim their heritage and rightful place in the world.


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