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Corellon, God of Magic and Elves

From the perspective of Bregan D'aerthe and other disaffected Drow who have been affected by Corellon Larethian's curse, Corellon is viewed with a mixture of bitterness, resentment, and perhaps a touch of longing. The curse placed upon the Drow, turning their skin dark, making their red eyes sensitive to sunlight, and their hearts full of malevolence, has had far-reaching consequences on their lives and society.   To many Drow, Corellon represents the deity who brought about their race's downfall and forced them into a life of exile and secrecy. They view Corellon as the source of their struggles and hardships, blaming him for the animosity and persecution they face from other surface-dwelling races. In their eyes, Corellon is seen as a symbol of the oppressive order that they seek to challenge and overthrow.   Moreover, for disaffected Drow who have turned their backs on their traditional society and the worship of Lolth, Corellon may represent a beacon of hope or an alternative path. They may harbor a longing for a life free from the darkness and malevolence that the curse has imposed upon them. Corellon's reputation as a deity of beauty, magic, and the arts may resonate with those Drow who desire to embrace a different path and reclaim their true potential.   However, it's important to note that not all disaffected Drow share the same view of Corellon. Some may reject the idea of deities altogether or feel indifferent toward Corellon's role in their lives. Others may view Corellon as just another deity in the pantheon, seeing him through the lens of their personal experiences and beliefs.


Corellon, God of Magic and Elves


Towards Lloth, Demon Queen of Spiders


Lloth, Demon Queen of Spiders


Towards Corellon, God of Magic and Elves



Character Portrait image: Corellon, Creator of the Elves by Midjourney


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