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Save Kimmuriel

Methil: Slies T'Druis Oblodra, my young friend, there is something crucial that you must understand about your father, Kimmuriel Oblodra. He has been consumed by a dire predicament, one that he believes may threaten not only himself but also those he holds dear. The illithid tadpole in his brain has reached a critical stage and he believes that he is on the precipice of undergoing ceremorphosis, the transformation into a mind flayer.    Methil: It is a harrowing possibility, my young friend, but one that your father has been tirelessly researching and desperately seeking a solution for. He has immersed himself in a quest for knowledge. If your father transforms into a mind flayer, he poses a threat to the drow around him. This is why he buries himself in studies and distances himself from those he holds close, including his dear friends within Bregan D’aerthe. I wonder now if he intended for you to replace him, should the worst happen.   Methil: That is where you come in, Slies. While you delve into the depths of Undermountain, collecting valuable data from the mind flayers there. I implore you to also search for any information, any possible means to halt or even reverse ceremorphosis and download the information to the Mind Crystal gifted to you by Kimmuriel. Your father's life, his very essence, may depend on it. Whether it be ancient potions, enchanted items, or spells crafted by powerful archmages, no stone should be be left unturned.   I have been using my own abilities, psychic interventions, and experimental treatments to slow down the transformation. I will continue to work closely with Kimmuriel, guiding and strengthening his mental fortitude to resist the insidious control of the illithid tadpole.   Methil: I have faith in you, Slies. Let us both continue on our quests for knowledge, driven by the determination to defy fate and forge a new path.


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