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The Psions Explore The Arcane Level



The Psions fight more Xanathar on the second level of the dungeon before exploring an Ooze Temple.

Gurren, Nymdor and Otho investigated the statue of the dwarven king. They rotated the king's hammer and discovered a circlet of blasting hidden beneith the statue.   The three remaining scions fought off a Gelatinous Cube and discovered a Mirror Gate to Level 10, Muiral's Gauntlet. On the other side of the gate, a drow stonghold bearing the symbol of House Auvryndar.   Upon climbing the well, the Scions of House Oblodra discovered that Kelim was the only survivor from The Fine Fellows of Daggerford to return to the Yawning Portal.   Trollskull Manor was inundated with Drow forces prepared to claim the Dungeon Level for Bregan D'aerthe. Jarlaxle asked the Scions to clear the path to Skullport.   After descending to Level 2, The Arcane Chambers, Gurren, Nymdor and Otho quickly discovered The Rustbone Tribe. Using invisibility spells, the trio were able to observe the goblins setting up a slave market.   Yek the Tall, a human wearing a golden circlet, seemed to lead the tribe without question. The Scions did not free Glom, a goblin prisoner. They did not free Copper Stormforge, also a prisoner. The scions did, however, abscond with Yek's personal treasure stash.   The scions made their way through an ooze temple. Therein they avoided a Giant Ooze and discovered the body of one of Halaster's appretices, drowned in a room filled with water. On the body they find a Ring of Warmth.   Discovered by intellect devourers, Gurren, Nymdor and Otho the human bandits manning Spider Eyes Watch Post. Gurren used magic to cause the bugbears to fight each other. The Scions killed Shunn, the cursed before taking off with his chest of gold coins.   After fleeing the bugbears, the scions encountered two guards manning a series of poison dart traps. The trio quickly dispatch of the guards and exit the watch post with all haste.   Resting securely in Leomond's Tiny Hut near an Arch Gate, the party regains their health and spells. They know there is one more Xanathar Watch Post to the south, Dead Eyes Watchpost.   Secrets Discovered

  • Jarlaxle is using House Auvryndar to reclaim Skullport for the Drow.
  • House Auvryndar has territory on Level 3 and Level 10. They are considered paying clients.
  • Dead Eye Watchpost is a Xanathar Guild outpost in the southern portion of Level 2.
  • The Scions have been asked to clear out House Tanor’thal's Fortress, an abandoned drow citadel high above Skullport.

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