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Campaign Session History

The year is 1492 DR. It has been 134 since the fall of House Oblodra. The reunited Psions of House Oblodra have entered Undermountain on a quest for power and freedom.

  • 1492

    21 Mirtul

    The Psions of House Oblodra Reunite

    The year is 1492 DR. It has been 134 since the fall of House Oblodra. The Psions unite in Waterdeep before taking on a job for Bregan D'aerthe.

    Additional timelines
  • 1492

    22 Mirtul

    24 Mirtul

    The Psions hold Ott Steeltoes Hostage
    Criminal Activity

    The Psions hold a member of the Xanathar Guild prisoner in the basement of Trollskull manor for three days as per Jaraxle's request.

  • 1492

    30 Mirtul

    2 Kythorn

    The Death Fights
    Criminal Activity

    The Psions of House Oblodra infiltrate Xanathar's Lair during a brutal gladiatorial arena event. They acquire a spy's dossier on the guild, including detailed structural blueprints. The information will help Jarlaxle plan Bregan D'aerth's next move.

  • 1492

    14 Kythorn

    Raid on The Xanathar Guild
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Psions destroy The Xanathar Guild Hall with explosives.

    Additional timelines
  • 1492

    20 Kythorn

    The Psions Enter Undermountain

    The Psions of House Oblodra descend the well at the Yawning Portal to enter Undermountain, quickly finding themselves face-to-face with Halaster's simulacrum and the opportunity to ask 3 questions.

    Additional timelines
  • 1492

    21 Kythorn

    The Psions Explore The Dungeon Level

    The Psions clear two Xanathar Watch Posts and rescue Halleth Garke, a half-elf cleric from The Fine Fellows of Daggerford from a Pit Trap.

  • 1492

    22 Kythorn

    The Psions Explore The Arcane Level

    The Psions fight more Xanathar on the second level of the dungeon before exploring an Ooze Temple.

  • 1492

    23 Kythorn

    The Final Watch Post

    The Psions encounter a Zombie Beholder before clearing the final Xanathar Watch Post. They discover a stairway down to the third level of Undermountain, The Sarguath Level.

  • 1492

    24 Kythorn

    The Psions capture an Illithid for House Auvryndar
    Political event

    After meeting Rizzeryl, the Psions are escorted to an old dwarven temple that House Auvryndar has taken over. They agree to investigate a Mind Flayer spy embedded in a nearby Hob Goblin tribe, The Legion of Azrok. The Psions win favor with T'rissa for bringing the creature to her alive.

  • 1492

    27 Kythorn

    Expedition to Skullport

    After a brief respite in Waterdeep, Jaraxle sends the Psions of House Oblodra down to Skullport with Rizzeryl to act as a guide from House Auvryndar's temple base to the formerly Drow-controlled city.

  • 1492

    29 Kythorn

    The Psions capture House Tanor'Thal's fortress
    Political event

    After exploring the city and meeting with the local Zents, the Psions team up with Thorvin, the Harper Spy and Drizzt Do'Urden, The Most Hunted Man in The Underdark. They kill the Illithids terrorizing Skullport from the abandoned Drow fortress perched above the city.

    Additional timelines
  • 1492

    30 Kythorn

    Hearts and Minds
    Gathering / Conference