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The Psions Explore The Dungeon Level



The Psions clear two Xanathar Watch Posts and rescue Halleth Garke, a half-elf cleric from The Fine Fellows of Daggerford from a Pit Trap.

Realizing the oppertunity to ask the Mad Mage three questions was invaluable, Gurren chose to save his questions for later, to give himself more time to decide what to ask. He wore the bronze mask and exited back through the alcove portal.   While investigating the alcove, Slies vanished. Everyone else in the group assumes that his father Kimmuriel had collected him and no one gave his disappearance a second thought.   A well-lit and suspiciously clean hallway lead to the south. Assuming that an ooze or gelatinious cube had swept the area, the Scions decided not to head that direction.   Gurren, Nymdor and Otho continue on to Grick Snack Watch Post to kill more Xanathar bugbears and goblins. They encounter a standoff between goblins guarding a hole and gricks that emerged from the tunnel.   Using dispel magic, the scions easily slay the Grick Alpha by dropping a mummy's stone throne onto it. It had been floating above the creature in an anti-magic zone. They find two gems in the mummy's eye sockets.   Hiding from the gricks behind a locked door, the Scions discover Kelim, a human adventurer that had wandered off from his group, The Fine Fellows of Daggerford. He gives them a spellbook as a reward. They tell him the way to the well is clear and let him go.   The Scions fought off a maddened air elemental in a zig-zagging hallway, beyond which they discovered a VIP Suite. The Merlairkyn Dwarves had built a bedchamber and bathroom for honored guests decorated with cave frescos. The water spigots provide fresh water!   In the VIP suite's dormitories, the scions discover the skeleton of an elf draped in cobwebs. In his moldering armor, they find a Wand of Secrets. The VIP Suite will be of vital importance to the drow occupying forces that Jaraxle is sure to send to this level next.   The Scions attack and chase a wererat named Sylvia Featherstone who was searching for secret doors for Xanathar. She flees to meet up with reinforcements, another wererat and some giant rats. They prove no challenge for the Scions of House Oblodra.   The scions rescue Halleth Garke, a half-elf cleric from The Fine Fellows of Daggerford, from a pit trap. He explains that after Kelim wandered off, the three other party members started stealing his treasure. They left him behind when he confronted them. He wants to kill them all.   After letting the cleric go, the scions studied the map of Undermountain and learned that Skullport is on Level 3, The Star Dock is on level 16 and Halaster's Tower can only be accessed from level 23.   After following Helleth's instructions, the group discovers what they believe to be stairs down to level two behind the statue of a dwarven king, but the sounds of bugbears and goblins nearby draw the scions away before they can fully investigate. They agree to return later.   The scions clean out Big Ears Watch Post and kill Krung-Jung, the ettin leader Xanathar had put in place here. They find a sack of coins and a sack of iron ingots hidden behind the Ettin's forge. That was the final Xanathar Watch Post on Level 1.   After dealing with a mimic and a hole filled with stirges, the Scions studied the map Nymdor created for Bregan D'aerthe. They prepared to make their way back to the Yawning Portal, expecting most of the way to be clear.   Secrets Discovered

  • Three more Fine Fellows of Daggerford are still in Undermountain: a shield dwarf named Copper Stormforge and two humans named Midna Tauberth and Rex the Hammer.

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