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The Death Fights

Criminal Activity


The Psions of House Oblodra infiltrate Xanathar's Lair during a brutal gladiatorial arena event. They acquire a spy's dossier on the guild, including detailed structural blueprints. The information will help Jarlaxle plan Bregan D'aerth's next move.

Gurren meets Eilistraee while meditating. The goddess invites him to join her in the light. He awakens to find a gift, Moonflare, a magical rapier with unknown potential.   Nymdor and Otho have a painful telepathic interview with Vhaeraun. After giving the correct answers, the two cousins find themselves both to be already wearing The Shadow Lord's Chain Armor.   Slies experiences his recurring nightmare, a vision of his own gruesome death on another plane of existence. He is torn apart by an overwhelming spider swarm. He awakens to find a Piwafwi of The Masked Mage folded next to him.   The rest of the tavern staff arrive fresh off the boat from Luskan. E'loyna, the waitress, and her daughter Jezra, the dishwasher are from Ched Nasad. Szorgos, the bouncer is from Luskan.   The next day, the scions go to The Old Xoblob shop to purchase tickets to "The Death Fights!", Xanathar's illegal fight club tournament. The crazy shopkeeper wouldn't sell Nymdor the stuffed beholder from the front of his shop.   On their way back to Trollskull Manor, the holiday celebrations on the street for Trolltide are interrupted by an actual troll attack. The scions talk to the troll and free him from the blinding helmet The Xanathar Guild had put on him.   At The Death Fights!, the scions learn that Nar’l Xibrindas has not betrayed Jarlaxle or Bregan D'aerthe. Xanathar has become especially paranoid since Ott Steeltoes' abduction and it's been hard to get messages out.   The Trollskull Tavern's launch is a success. Neighbors stop by to celebrate. Soluun chats up Fala. Embric and Avi introduce themselves. Vincent Trench lurks in the corner gathering information. Business looks good so far.   The Scions of House Oblodra deliver the spy's dossier on The Xanathar Lair to Jarlaxle. With the map and collected data, Bregan D'aerthe will make plans to attack The Xanathar Guild directly.   Secrets Discovered

  • The Xanathar Guild control the 1st layer of Undermountain, The Dungeon Level.
  • The Xanathar Guild have taken over Skullport, an important Underdark trade city.
  • The Xanathar Guild attacked Waterdeep as a diversion for their illegal tournament.

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