Set in Faerun, centered around the Sea of Fallen Stars. Magic is Waning: Arcane & natural magic has been fading in the world for the past couple centuries and nobody knows why. Rumors & theories run rampant and have put many people on edge with paranoia, a sense of existential dread has begun to sweep over many people. Divine magic, pact magic, and abhorrent magic seem to be unaffected. Even Dragons are beginning to fade since they are inherently magic. Only the largest and strongest dragons remain. On the Brink of War: Aris Mournen “The Mourning King” has conquered much of the eastern lands to control for reasons unknown. It is unclear what his intentions are but he is fiercely holding the land, causing civil unrest in neighboring city states as they feel their grip on power slipping. New Religions: New religions are beginning to emerge, mostly to try to explain why magic is fading, and/or cope with this revelation. The Cult of Azothia is using this as an opportunity to sow chaos and paranoia, feeding the growing possibility of war. Elder Gods: All of the pantheons of gods know of The Far Realm, but very few know actual information about it. Mostly, they know that The Far Realm, and the elder gods that reside there are older than the all the other planes. Some think it might be a remnant of a previous universe that somehow managed to live beyond it's collapse. Some even say The Far Realm is its own separate universe and is starting to encroach on our own. Most of the gods stay away from The Far Realm and its inhabitants as there are rumors of some gods being consumed by it.