The Seven Nations


In the USA alone there are over 7 million nomads; more than half of them have given their allegiance to one of the seven Nomad Nations of North America. These groups are composed of clans, tribes and families which share common interests, enemies, or goals. The largest of the nations calls itself Snake Nation, while the smallest is a nomad-owned corporation called MetaCorp. Found between these two extremes are Blood Nation, Folk Nation, the Jodes, Thelas Nation, and the Aldecaldos.


They were formed by a series of unofficial treaties and conferences across the USA, and these meetings and gatherings continue today. The largest meetings between Nations come at the end of harvest time. The harvest is special to the nomads, since many are descendants of agricultural migrants. It represents a time of plenty: plenty of food, plenty of work, and therefore plenty of celebration. In times past, up to forty percent of the nomad population of North America has come together in various locations to discuss issues and celebrate during the late fall period.   There are many parallels between gang culture and nomad culture, having both sprouted from the same roots in the Collapse. The two groups have sometimes come to violence over territorial and economic issues. This is greatly mediated by economic factors. The employers of the nomad groups are not subtle. If a gang should disrupt the work of a nomad group then the employer usually has no qualms about eliminating the gang utterly. Feeling no ill against the gangs, especially since many of the groups are descendant of pre-Collapse gang structures, the nomads avoid angering them. During jobs the nomad tribes even employ some gangs in tertiary capacities (sometimes even straight payoffs of goods or services).
Alliance, Cultural
Subsidiary Organizations


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