The Upper Marina


A bustling urban district with a mix of old industrial zones and gentrified "International" style neighborhoods built around a well-maintained marina. Construction equipment abounds as new buildings are built to house those who can afford the relative safety of the district.

Points of interest

  • City Medical Center: The City Medical Center is a large research hospital with multiple Corporate ties. Aside from offering medical care to the citizens of Night City, the hospital is also known for offering therapy and biosculpting, assuming you've got the eb of course.
  • McCartney Field Stadium: A Corporate-sponsored, 75,000-seat stadium home to Night City's many local teams: The Night City Slammers (Baseball), The Night City Rangers (Football), The Night City Heat (Basketball), and The Night City Death Dealers (Combat Soccer).
  • REO Meatwagon Offices: REO Meatwagon, a small-time rival of Trauma Team, has its offices near the Combat Zones. They still practice the questionable business model of "meat jumping", attempting to show up to a Trauma Team call before them to steal the client, charging them out the nose for medical treatment should they survive.
  • The Afterlife: The premiere Solo bar in Night City, built in the remains of an old morgue on the outskirts of the Hot Zone, and run by the legendary Solo, Rogue. Every Solo in the city dreams of getting a drink at the Afterlife named after them—even if it only happens post-mortem.
  • Ziggurat Offices: The Ziggurat offices are located in a impressive, curved skyscraper designed to soar above the bay and command attention. Public access is limited to the occasional press conference.


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