Hatsuko Himura

Hatsuko Himura (a.k.a. Van Van)

Van Van is a femcel who wants to get laid/get a gf. Family+her mom, wants vengeance. Family means her mother. Motivation to ruin father.   N64=streetcat patched up by medtech vet connected to furcoats loosely. Found her while sneaking out at 16.    Fairly sheltered. Dad was very distant, mom was involved. Product of an affair and her father's only child because his partner was an exec. Mom was the "help". Dad was disappointed he did not have a male heir. In exchange for raising her/not raising the alarm. Sees dad rarely. Went to a corp school. Dad wants her to be the best because he's the only heir he has, pressured her. When she's 12 her mom decided it was enough and planned an escape. Dad found out and exiles her with nothing out of the city. Van Van assumes she's dead. Dad keeps her in the apartment and lets the Help raise her, giving her skewed family values. When she's 15 she starts sneaking out and looking for something more. At first she keeps to herself and sneaks around, watching. Mom didn't teach her about the streets, making it an alien place. She finds N64 and falls in love. Vet watches her for a few years as Van Van can't take them home. Very attached. At 18 she's a bit more experienced and begins exploring being a Solo. Discovers she's a hell of a marksman. Skummy Arasaka environment and streets are similar in some ways.    Dad leaves her in apartment but allows her to figure out her life as he's done enough and she's an adult. Won't let her become a failure but won't hold her hand. Still keeps tabs on her. She becomes settled into Solo life but also kinda aware/suspicious of her dad's gaze. Enrolled in university. Keeps Solo life a secret.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Van Van was born the child of an affair between a poor cleaning woman and a Danger Gal exec. Her father Chikara was disappointed that his only heir was to be a woman but decided to push her anyway to become the best she could be, while her mother attempted to shelter her from the pressures of corporate life, taking full custody of her and living separately from Chikara.   Eventually, it became enough however and when Van Van was 12 her mother began to plan her escape. Chikara soon found out and exiled her from the city and Van Van has never seen her again. From there he rented her her own apartment and allowed the help to raise her, continuing to push her through corporate schooling. She began to explore the streets at 15, looking for some kind of escape, which she found in the form of becoming a Solo.


Contacts & Relations

  • Chikara (Japanese): Danger gal worker. Does R&D, techie multiclass. Distant, cares about her but doesn't care about *her* as a person. Wants a specific vision for her. He believes Arasaka and Danger Gal should be merged when Arasaka returns. Arasaka old blood who values them highly. 
  • Mom (jew): Askenazi, vaguely from eastern Europe, immigrated in the 1900s. 
  • Street homie: Ran into Van Van during job for vet.
  • Vet: First real connection on the street. Dirty Hippie. In their 50s. 
  • Rival solo: Militech Corpo working as a guard for the corporate office park. 

Bitchin' Solo, daughter of a corpo scumbag

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Dark brown and tired
Long, black, and messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with EMP threading
Aligned Organization


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