The Technicolor Furcoats


While divided into ranks, the gang maintains a loose structure prioritizing cooperation towards mutual benifit.   Founders: Their word is highly respected, giving them heed as the "heads" of the gang.    Right Paw: They carry out the word of the Founders, commanding small detachments of members, and have much more responsibility then most.   Blood Bugs: Otherwise known as "full-timers". Selected for their specialized skills and dedication to the group. This is the level where one is properly initiated and given access to their perferred Bioexotic package.   Scratch Scrubs: Called in when the gang is in trouble, affiliates perform feats to prove or demonstrate loyalty and is where most who want to join a gang starts off, obtaining higher ranking via personal skills.


The Furcoats are similar to Poser Gangs, emulating the animals they seek to protect through cybernetics and exotic bodysculpting. They're territorial and violent, but rarely the first to start anything above a brawl. They follow an esoteric belief in the virtue of a naturalistic mindset, a mix of self actualization and community-based service. This leads those they protect to protect them in turn, many becoming members themselves or working to serve the community as a whole, as one betters themselves so they may better the home. Those outside their reach see them as strange, their enimies decrying them as strange pretenders or violent extremeists.

Public Agenda

To protect their community and their planet, paticularly the animals within Night City.


About 20 members total. A number of small bases with decent defenses. A couple caches of weapons and other gear, community gardens, and decent cash


It's said that the gang fist appeared after the slaughter of an entire Valentino sect. A lone Valentino supposedly assaulted a local girl, fleeing to base when pursued by, in his words, "A bear with a lampost." Wojtek arrived and asked only for the offender, seeking punishment. They refused, and were summarily slaughtered within the hour. The founders took up the territory, steadily growing over the years, building a community alongside the Reclaimers known as the Dirty Hippies.


  • Protect Applegate and its people at all costs.
  • Bite, claw, and scream when one would oppress you.
  • Oppose corporate control.
  • Find your strongest self.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Animals, Furrys, Exotics
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Autonomous area


The Furcoats receive access to the zoo and its newest experimental procedures through a Fixer, in turn taking jobs from the company.


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