

As a robotics manufacturer, Zhirafa gained a lot of influence within Russia and the Neo-Soviet Union relatively quickly. The Soviets were never able to break into the technological markets, given how far behind they were from the most countries. Not until Zhirafa, that is, which finally was able to break into the markets, galvanizing them with its construction robots and security drones.


Advanced Mecha like the GRAF3, Savannah Eagle, and Savannah Panther. Weapons such as the Zhirafa Rhinocefist, and the Linear Frame Zhirafa EL-F4-NT.


Zhirafa Technical Manufacturing was founded by its CEO, Artyom Sokolov, with some of his ex-Edgerunner friends and healthy savings built on mercenary work during the Fourth Corporate War.[3] The Neo-Soviet Union after the Fourth Corporate War was weakened by antiquated technology and an unstable economy that had been entirely based on fossil fuels. The major economic power, SovOil, had managed to do very well during the war, however most people were already aware that sooner or later that the oil would run out or CHOOH2 would make fossil fuels obsolete and the Soviet Union's economy would collapse.[3] Russia's ability to compete in the international tech market was still extremely limited. Compared to most other nations, the Soviets' tech was often considered garbage.   However in 2039, this changed with the GRAF3 tech entering the market. This construction robot had a reasonable price and proved itself to be durable and reliable as it could easily be repaired. The GRAF3 was the perfect product for cleaning the mess after the war. Due to the price local governments bought them in bulk, and small communities could also obtain one that would last for years. Zhirafa was never questioned on how it got founded or how it spread its influence so far across Russia so soon after completing their first project. Many believed Zhirafa's success could be attributed to the activity of the Bratva criminal syndicate and groups of allied Russian Nomads.   After the GRAF3 broke into the market, the Zhirafa Corporation rocketed Russian tech to new heights with the release of several lines of drones and robots.[3] Besides the GRAF Line, the most notable and ubiquitous development of Zhirafa is the Savanna Line, a line of aerial and terrestrial combat drones for use by security and law enforcement.
Founding Date
Corporation, Manufacturing
Controlled Territories


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