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The 5 Hells

The Five hells is also known as The Sulfur Realms. Is a plane home to the various types of Devils which reside there. The Five Hells are lorded over by 5 Arch-Devil . Each of whom owns their own lair and acts as overlords to all Devils residing there. All layers have their own group of nobility who either try and gain favor with their archdevil or attempt to usurp them but always fail The Devil's scheme and conspire against one another for power favor and personal glory in different ways depending on which layer they are on. The Archdevils and Devil Nobility tempt Mortals with Devil Contracts Each realm have there own way of doing this.   There are 5 Layers to the Hells each with there own and unique feel to them. These include Ira the realm of Wrath,Calyras the realm of Greed,Onima the realm of Pride,Necropolis the realm of Gluttony, and Banzeer the realm of Envy.


The 5 hells float atop a reddened astral sea with each of the Hells acting like floating islands. Each hell has its very own Geography and it differs from where you are in said hell. Necropolis the realm of Gluttony for instance is littered with swamps and massive marshlands but also has rolling hills and large boreal forests. Ira the realm of Wrath on the Other hand is a red desert and rocky mountains all across the land. What is known for certain is that all layers of the hell have at least to a certain degree of either a heated or warm climate.   The hells only are only accessed by special entrances called Hell Gates which allow only a single entity in for and then it recharges after about an hour. These Hell Gates are in Fixed Locations across the planes of hell they are on and are usually controlled by the Local Devil House depending on what region you are in. Calyras the realm of Greed is an oddity among the other planes because of the city of Zhaasa takes up the entirety of the realm of greed one massive metropolis.

Localized Phenomena

The Hells all share one strange phenomenon. They are both infinite and not. There are maps of the 5 hells that quantify them but whenever you attempt to make it to the border of the realm you are on you always seem to find more and more of the realm this means that the hells may be infinite.
  Each of the realms has there own localized phenomena such as Ira the realm of Wrath has firey balls rain from above and earthquakes are frequent.

Fauna & Flora

Only Onima and Necropolis have living trees these are stolen from the material realm. These two planes are filled with dangerous beasts and monsters. Ira is home to many dangers as well including drakes,wyverns,dragons,and demons. In the center of Banzeer is Frozen with only Ice Wraiths being found there.


Hells Begining

History of Hell begins with the Archdevil of Banzeer the realm of Envy , Asmodai when he lost the War in heaven against Jarr-el He chose to cast himself and any of the Sol-le that still were his allies into the Void. The Sol-Le were strong but many were lost to the Eternal encompassing power of the Void creating Demons. They were able to fend off the void and establish their very own realms of rock and Ice but at the Price that they would be unable to Join in the Creation of Jarr-el. They would spend eons stuck in this state till at some point Asmodai collected enough magic to make the first Hell Gates.

The First Devils

Asmodai set foot on Jarr-el for the first time and traveled for a time finding a group of weak people in the middle of a large forest. They were raided and bullied to the point where they were starving. Asmodai Offered these people power in exchange for there souls with wanting to live and take revenge on there enemies they accepted his pact wholeheartedly. They were able to defeat there enemies and secure there land but at the cost of there souls. When these mortals started to die there souls left Jarr-el and came to the realms of Asmodai. These were the very first Devils and Asmodai had made the very first Devil Contracts  

Binding of the Devils

At some point in time the void opened up and released Demons unto the hell's Zharr-el who was thought to be the strongest of the devils pushed the Demons back but could only due so with power from the other Arch-Devils. They each chose a realm and were bound to it. This is how many of the Souls started to Fight in the War against the demons.

Draccus the Despoiler

At some point in hell's history the soul of a mortal being by the name Draccus was brought to Ira the realm of Wrath the realm of Zharr-el and the location of most of the battles against demonkind Draccus appeared to be a very competent warrior and strategist able to defeat any brutish demon or scheming devil he came across. Later on, He personally led assaults into the void of the demons and was able to learn foul magics from that realm. He began controlling demons and using the most powerful ones against there own kind. His power grew more and more till he challenged Zharr-el's power in her own realm. She was later found to be pro-longing the conflict between the Devils and Demons and was able to flee to places unknown. Draccus became the first Mortal to ascend to the same level as a Sol-le and acquired the title of Arch-Devil.  

The Cataclysm

Draccus was not bound to the 5 hell's as the other Arch-Devils he was able to gain the ability to come and go into the mortal realm not being tied to the Realm of Wrath. He made plans to invade Jarr-el with the largest hosts of Devils and Demons ever seen. They Invaded Karaina. Serging through hell portals and doing quick work of whatever the tribes in the area threw at his fiendish-demonic host. Draccus offered many of the tribesmen contracts to gain power from him. This act would later create the Tieflings He then used strong magics to transform the area Burning the Forests and turning the dirt into clay. He Transformed Karina into the land today known as Helvir. Their arrival didn't go Unchallenged as the Equiti Empire and the High Kingdom of Kulbaldur sent armies to defeat Draccus's in Kulbalduhr and Sevtaria. Slowly but surely Draccuses army was worn down. By unknown means, the Dwarven and Imperial Army were destroyed when they entered the area of Helvir. But soon after this, a Massive Coalition of Sevtarians, Ardepi, and Kryselandic warriors pushed Draccus out of this world through sheer numbers. The Last Hell Gates were destroyed a year after Draccus had entered the world. The Number of dead during this was astronomically high.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sulfur Realms
Dimensional plane
Ruling/Owning Rank
Inhabiting Species


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