Session 09: Newfound Direction Report

General Summary

The party wakes rested from the night's activities, stronger than before through the enhancement of abilities and unlocking of more powerful magic obtained from the boost in experience. Marigold and Tiathina take the opportunity to slip away to the Bathhouse and Steam Room, where a fortunate turn of events leads them to the massage area, where a large muscular minotaur named Boris provides deep tissue massages for each; while immediately numbed provides extended health benefits to strength and dexterity.   The party prepares for the day and heads down to the morning meal, attended to by a halfling server that seems rather interested in the fighter of the group, before heading to the Pillars of Pedagogy. This morning's studies revealing the history of the Crystalline Dynasty, a partnership of the great races that helped settle the land before the greed of men overthrew it, causing the dwarves and elves to withdraw to their own lands.   After a brief exchange with Fizban in the Courtyard of Air, the party returns to the Hearth for the noon meal, where their break is interrupted by an old acquaintance - a rescued slave named Mina or Mira. The conversation quickly turns sour as the party realizes this rescued slave has been taken by the intellect devourers, revealing the trail of crumbs it has followed to finally track them down. As the final news of the path of innocent people taken is given, the orb in her hand goes off, causing a massive explosion in the Hearth - the explosive fire and shrapnel extending massive damage and devastation across the dining area.   Several members immediately fall unconscious from the blast, and a massive wall section falls on the party, dropping others into unconsciousness and closer to death while only 2 are able to jump free of the wall section. Through great luck Ricfried stabilizes and wakens almost immediately, and through quick thinking Marigold uses her Lay on Hands to stabilize Tiathina and Angelo; likewise Tiathina extends Lay on Hands to Ilyana stabilizing her and boosting Ricfried further.   Lacking healing of their own, both Fara and Wellys attempt to help the other patrons by providing what first aid they can, however very few survivors are found. Among the dead lays the body of the halfling server. The Avowed come quickly to stabilize the structure as best as they can and evacuate, distributing potions of superior healing to those who survived - these greatly speed up the healing process and returning the team to more normal levels.   Fizban shows up at the doorway, thankful for the safety of the party and leads you through the carefully controlled Emerald Door and into the libraries of Candlekeep. Descending down into the catacombs beneath the fortress, he leads you to a certain room with an ancient tome of carefully protected knowledge. He shares with the team rumors and legends passed down of the ancient war and a fracturing of reality into 3 mirror realms; what is normal, a shadowland full of nightmares, and a wild land where the fae run wild. After this magical illusion fades, Fizban mentions that while he is unaware of where any werewolves may have been, rumors are that the vampires retreated into this shadow realm.   Fizban then shares with them some of the support he has arranged; awaiting in their common room is a new set of armor that affords them greater protection but also certain attributes that make it more effective around the water. Fizban also provides Charms of the Protector; elements that helps store their equipment, don and doff armor instantly, and control the color and shape of their worn clothing and armor. Last, he also provides them with a vial containing two beads that open portals to and from the shadow realm when used in the right locations.   Using cover of night, the team uses stealth to steal away from Candlekeep and towards the pier to find Zarra. Going to the location they were prompted to, Zarra appears from the darkness behind them from the shadows and leads them to the farthest slip where the almost invisible Arachne waits. Bidding them to go below decks, she quickly sets sail and within minutes calls them back top deck when far enough away from the docks.   The team reviews the charts and chooses Wolveshire fortress as their next destination. Zarra mentions that by sea they are a week away, but with a simple adjustment of controls the ship magically levitates out of the water and converts quickly into an airship, providing them much faster transportation, reducing the journey down to two days. Along the journey they settle in to their new home and learn some of the controls and capabilities of their new quarters.   Choosing to set down outside of Wolveshire then have the Arachne settle in to the port as a waterborne ship, they see the large castle in obvious levels of disrepair and abuse by the mercenary occupants. The session ends as the team prepares to visit this new location.
The Journey Begins
Ricfried Diggle
Tiathina Mortinor
Report Date
18 Jul 2022
Primary Location